Page 21 of Frank

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“Frank’s losing his shit,” Priest muttered.

Fucker would lose his shit too if he woke up to find his ass handcuffed to his bed. I’d like to see how the devout Catholic handled that situation.

“Move out of my way,” I heard Bailey grumble right before she banged on my door. “Open this door right now, Frank. You interrupted my beauty sleep!”


“Sorry, Bailey,” I softly replied. “But I’m not opening it.”


“Because I can’t!”

“Why not?” King growled.

“I don’t wanna say!”

“What the fuck is going on?” I heard Gunner demand. “Big man woke up my kids.”

Fucking great.

This was turning into a three-ringed circus.

“He woke us all up, Ditch Digger.”

Knocking on my door, Gunner sighed. “Frank, what is going on?”


“Can’t do that, buddy. Why don’t you open the door and we’ll talk? I’ll even play you at a game of checkers.”

“I can’t,” I mumbled.

“Why not?”

“I just can’t.”

“Oh, this is ridiculous,” I heard Scribe groan right before he kicked my door open and everyone rushed in.


I was in hell.

Humiliation complete.

“Oh. My. God!” Henley grinned, just when Scribe stepped in front of her, blocking her view, as he growled at me.

“Frank.” Gunner chuckled. “Never knew you had it in you. Respect, dude.”

Narrowing my eyes at the reformed manwhore, I didn’t know if that was a compliment or not, but considering who said it, I ignored him.

“Now, that looks like fun,” I heard Bailey whisper as she looked at King. “Why can’t you do that to me?”

King growled. “If you don’t leave this room right now, I will.”

“Not a chance in hell.” Bailey stubbornly stood her ground. “I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

“Oh wow,” Skylar giggled as Pyro growled, “Didn’t we talk about showing that thing off?”
