Page 86 of Frank

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“No, she wouldn’t. In fact, my bet is Granny is out there doing what she does best, and if I’m right, shit is about to get really interesting, really fast.”

“What the hell does that mean?” King asked, getting to his feet.

Turning to my prez, I grinned. “It means our granny is about to show this town who the top dog is.”

“The both of you, sit the fuck down and explain.”

Doing as King instructed, I took my seat again and Georgie sat next to me. Sighing, he began, “Granny called before I left the hospital. She bought it.”

“Bought what?” Pyro asked.

“The hospital,” Georgie said flatly. “When she learned what the hospital administration did to Claudia, she just bought it. Said no one was going to take away her granddaughter’s place of work. Plus, with me now working with Lidi, she made damn sure I would stick around. Meddling old biddy.”

I chuckled. “She always said you needed something more stable.”

“Oh, you think it’s funny? Well, laugh it up, little brother, ‘cause not only did she buy the damn hospital, but she’s also buying a house here in Rosewood. She’s moving here.”

I shrugged. “Got no problem with Granny being around.”

“Wait a minute,” Scribe said, holding up his hand. “Mrs. Steiner can’t just buy a hospital on a whim. There are meetings, deals, paperwork that needs to be filed. It’s not like buying a car.”

“Don’t know what to tell you, Scribe,” Georgie sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “I was leaving the hospital when that admin guy...”

“Bill Caldwell,” several of the brothers offered up.

“Yeah. Him. Anyway, he looked nervous when he approached me. Thought something happened to Trip and I was going to need to stay. But when the man shook my hand and told me that anything I wanted, just to let him know, I got suspicious. That was when Granny called me and told me she bought me and Claudia the hospital.”

“She bought it for you and Claudia?” Gunner asked in disbelief.

“Our granny doesn’t believe in pussyfooting around. If she wants something to happen, she knows the right people to ensure it happens.”

I nodded. “Lots of people.”

“Where is Mrs. Steiner right now?” King asked.

George shrugged. “Who the hell knows? Ensuring world peace?”

I chuckled at that as a calming peace fell over me.

I couldn’t explain it, but I wasn’t worried about Charlie anymore. Never in my entire life had my granny let me down. The one constant in my life, Granny moved heaven and earth to ensure I had everything I ever wanted, and something told me that Granny was just getting started.

“We’re gonna get to keep him, right, Frank?” Cameron asked, holding Charlie as he fed him a bottle. Sitting next to my little buddy, I shook my head. “That’s right, little dude. Charlie isn’t going anywhere. You’ve got another man in the club.”

“Good.” Cameron smiled.

“How are you holding up with Caleb leaving?”

Cameron had been down in the dumps for the last few days when he learned that Caleb and the rest of the kids from the Golden Skulls had left. I think what hurt my little buddy the most is that he didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to Caleb. Since being here, Cameron had someone close to his own age he could pal around with. Now that Caleb was gone, he was on his own again.

“You know Hailey is still here, right?”

“I know,” he sighed. “But she’s a little Betty. She ain’t like us, Frank. We men do different things, manly things. Things a girl won’t like.”

“Don’t know about that, Cameron. Sarah works on cars, Bailey tattoos people, your own sister can shoot better than most of the men here. Hell, even Henley has a cool, manly pet. Don’t know many girls that have a pet rat.”

“That’s true. Apollo is really cool. Sissy won’t even let me have a pet. She says I’m not responsible enough. Do you think I’m responsible, Frank?”

“Well,” I muttered, thinking the best way to answer him. “I think you are very responsible right now. Look at the way you are taking care of Charlie. You’re holding him just right and making sure he’s drinking his bottle. I think that’s very responsible.”
