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“Yeah, I’m pretty sure the only reason my mom never went insane was because of Marley. She’s her honorary daughter.”

“That’s so sweet. Are any of your brothers married?” She pauses. “Well besides Beau, I know he’s not.”

“Nope, we’re actually all single. Jason has a daughter though, Lennie. She’s… three, now, I think? Cutest kid ever. I have no shame in admitting that I’m a sucker for her. I’ll do whatever she wants.”

“I bet you’re an amazing uncle.” Josie squeezes the top of my hand gently.

“She’s a good kid. Her mom, Talia, ran out on them shortly after Lennie was born. Drugs and booze were more important to her I guess. She relinquished all parental rights too. We haven’t seen her since.” My heart aches at the thought. Talia could have been an amazing mother if she didn’t let the drugs take over. I know it pains Jase anytime Lennie asks about her mom. Maybe someday he’ll find someone to love them both the way they deserve.

“And she’s your only niece or nephew?” Josie asks, bringing me back into the present.

“Yep. Tommy is more concerned about his work, and well, Beau, as you know, has a stick up his ass,” I chuckle.

“What does Thomas do?”

“He’s a police officer,” I answer. “Scares the shit out of me the stuff he does and sees, but he loves to serve and take care of the community. He even has one of those German Shepherds that can smell drugs and stuff like that. His name’s Arson. He’s an awesome dog.”

“It sounds like it,” Josie says, then pauses, her face growing serious. “I suppose I should tell you about my felonies then.”

My heart literally drops into my asshole. Throat tightening, I try to take a breath to ask her what she could have possibly done to get a felony. Multiple felonies. There’s no way this sweet, innocent, adorable human could have multiple felonies. She has to be teasing me, right?

I clear my throat. “Um, what do you mean, felonies?”

Josie waves a hand in front of her face, completely nonchalant. “Oh it’s no big deal. Just one charge of grand theft auto, one charge of burglary.”

A squeak escapes my throat as I grip the steering wheel tighter. My free hand is still on her thigh, as I try to think of how this girl could possibly have done these things. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about the reformation programs in prison, and helping people that deserve it. I just never would have guessed that Josie would be the type of person to steal a car and burglarize something.

“Andrew,” Josie squeaks out, her lips pursed, like she’s trying to hold back laughter. “I’m joking. I don’t have any felonies.”

A gust of air escapes my lungs in relief. “Oh god, really?”

“Yes, I was kidding,” she giggles. Her peals of laughter alleviate the weight that had settled in my stomach, and soon, I’m laughing right along with her.

“You know, I totally get that people have a history, but I never would have pegged you for a felon.” My heart is still thumping loudly.

“If I ever stole something, it was totally unintentional.” Josie lifts my hand, entwining our fingers together. “I think it’s really cool that your brother is in law enforcement though. My dad is the sheriff in my hometown. Has been for I think nine years now?” she ponders.

“Great, so when I meet him, should I expect him to be sitting on the front porch with his gun?” I ask, chuckling at the thought.

Josie giggles. “Nah, he’s a softie for me, though he might pull you aside and try to scare you. My mom will probably force feed you her homemade pumpkin bread though.”

“Fuck yeah.” I roll to a stop in front of a stoplight, and give the air a fist bump. “I love pumpkin anything. Pumpkin Spice Latte? You bet your ass I’m driving thirty plus minutes to the nearest Starbucks as soon as they’re in season.”

The light turns green, and my foot eases off the brake to accelerate slowly. “Your turn,” I say. “Do you have any siblings?

“One. I have an older sister, Jess. We aren’t super close, but we don’t have a bad relationship by any means. She lives in Missouri with her husband on an Army base. I think we’d talk more if she lived here still, but she’s happy, and that’s all that matters. Her husband, Brandon, is a nice guy too.”

Making a split second decision, I pull into the old rundown bowling alley. “Well hopefully you’re able to catch up with her soon.”

“Yeah,” Josie drawls. “I take it you decided what we’re doing?” She eyes the flickering lights of the bowling alley.

“I promise it’s not as bad as it looks.” I squeeze her thigh, shutting off the truck and climbing out. I round over to her side, opening her door. Josie is still staring up at the sign, and I watch as her smile grows.

“This is so cool, Andrew,” she gushes. “I haven’t been bowling since I was a kid.”


“Yeah, we didn’t have a bowling alley around us, so we never went.”
