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“Hey pretty boy,” I coo, scratching the top of his head. “Where’s your daddy, huh?” Getting out of my car, I wipe my eyes, feeling a little stupid for getting emotional.

I walk down the driveway to round the side of the house, heading straight for the shop. Andrew spends a majority of his time here, I’m learning. Classic rock is blaring through the open door, letting the early spring air into the shop.

Andrew is oblivious to my arrival, his back to me. He’s bent over a project, singing along to the song as he works. His arm muscles flex as he uses the saw to cut, and I decide it would be smart to step out until he turns the machine off. I don’t need him to cut a hand off by accident. I don’t do well with blood.

When the saw shuts off, I step back in, knocking loudly on the frame of the door. He spins to face me, his face breaking out in a loose smile. “Hey Josie-girl,” he says, purposefully walking over to me. His face is slick with sweat, white tee covered in sawdust and wood stain. He brushes his hands down the front of his jeans before he reaches out, cupping my face softly.

His lips brush against mine in a familiar kiss, sending that heat blazing through my body yet again. When he pulls back, his eyes hold mine. “How was lunch?”

I smile. “It was good. Those two are so fun, I’m excited to spend more time with them.”

“I’m excited too,” Andrew answers. “We need to get out with everyone to the brewery.”

“That’s what we were saying earlier when we left. I really want to go sometime.”

“We will,” he says. He pushes my hair back behind my ear. “You okay? You seem a little off.”

I shrug. “Yes and no.”

Andrew leans back against a workbench, crossing his arms in front of his chest. “What’s going on?”

“Tessa and Zack keep trying to contact me. Mom saw Tessa at the store today, and so I had to tell my mom how we are kinda not talking right now.”

Andrew raises his brow, silently urging me on. “I just wish she would give me the space I’m asking for. I’m sure I’ll be fine, but right now…” I trail off, uncomfortable.

“Do you want me to talk to them?” Andrew lowers his voice, trying to have a menacing growl to it.

A snort escapes my nose, because as hot as it is to think about him standing up for me, I simply can’t imagine him next to Zack. The two of them are so vastly different, it makes me wonder what I ever saw in Zack. I mean really, he didn’t have many redeeming qualities.

“Oh, is that so funny?” Andrew asks, his voice still low and growly.

“No,” I frantically say, rushing over to rest my hands on his warm arms. His skin is damp with sweat. “No, I only laughed because the thought of you standing next to him is comical. You are daylight compared to his storm cloud, that’s all. You don’t have to talk to him, or Tessa for that matter. I’ll text her again and tell her I need a little more time, but I know I can’t put it off forever.”

“That sounds good to me,” Andrew agrees, relaxing his arms to pull me into his chest. I let him hold me for a short moment, before pulling back.

“As much as I love your hugs, I don’t quite like feeling your sweat on my cheek.”

“Fair,” he responds with a laugh.

I step further into the shop, heading to the back where the couch is. Travis has cuddled up on his bed, and is gnawing on his favorite bone. I sit down on the couch, crossing my legs underneath myself.

“I told my mom about you,” I confidently say.

“Hmm, did you?” Andrew follows behind me, watching as I sit down. “And what did she have to say?”

“I didn’t give her much of an opportunity to say anything. I only told her I met someone, and your name.” I shrug. I can feel my face heating, and my hands break out in a clammy sweat.

“Did you tell her I was your boyfriend?” His eyes are wide, bright and happy.

“Um. No. We haven’t, uh, I guess I could have, but I wasn’t, I didn’t,” I stumble over my words, because fuck, did I just assume the status of our relationship?

“Petals,” he laughs. He comes to stand in front of me, then drops into a squat, taking my shaking palms off my thighs. “You can tell her I’m your boyfriend. If that’s what you want. I know I want to be your boyfriend, but if you’re not there, that is fine too.”

I let his words simmer in my brain. Andrew, my boyfriend. “I think… that’s what I want. Yeah.”

“Yeah?” His brow raises.

“Yeah. You’re my boyfriend.” I grin.
