Page 101 of Callum

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Elliot grinned.

Looking toward the sunlight, Callum caught sight of Vivian standing with Rafe. His hand was on her shoulder, trying to calm her down as she chewed nervously on her fingernail.

It had been a hell of a day for her, and his raging temper hadn’t helped.

Measured strides took him to her. He nodded at Rafe who immediately stepped away, retreating to speak with Elliot.

“Crazy day, huh?” he started, unsure of what to say.

Vivian looked up at him before bursting into tears.

Quickly, he gathered her into his arms, holding her tightly, her uninjured cheek pressed against his chest. He kissed the top of her head as she sobbed.

When her shoulders stopped shaking and her tears ebbed, he tipped up her chin and lowered his forehead to rest against hers. “I can’t get you out yet,” he took a deep breath, and vowed, “but I swear to you, I will get us out of here soon. You will get to go to school, to have a career, to do all the things in life that you want. I’ll get to introduce you to my alpha, and if you like it there, we can discuss a permanent move.”

She looked up at him through wet lashes but didn’t say a word.

“I promise you. And I swear, your father, your brother, no one is ever going to lay a hand on you again. You are mine. You are safe.” His hands curled around her shoulders, needing to feel her flesh, feeling the connection between them. “I love you, and I swear, I’m going to make you happy.”

Her hands shook as she cupped his jaw and pressed her lips to his. “You already make me happy. I love you so much. Thank you.”

He pulled her in for another hug.

Over her head, he looked toward where Elliot and Rafe were huddled in the mouth of the tapered alley.

He had his suspicions about the Sovereign, but he wouldn’t voice them. He certainly had a lot of questions for Elliot, questions better left asked when they weren’t so close to Thatcher’s home base.

They glanced over at him. Callum gave a brief nod, one Rafe returned, his lips turned up in acceptance.

Maybe it was stupid, but that little sense of acknowledgement eased the knot of worry that had cause his chest to tighten.

Overthrowing an alpha could get them all killed.


Thatcher watched them go until each of them had disappeared and the heavy door had shut behind them with a solid thud.

“Are you seriously going to just let him have my daughter?” Norman demanded.

“You hit your daughter.”


“No buts. There was physical evidence. Callum would have fought to the death for her.”

“You should have let him!” His second-in-command complained.

Thatcher glared at Norman. “Maybe I should have. Maybe I am due for a new second-in-command. You’re starting to slip, Norman.”

Norman pulled back as though he’d been slapped. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

“He would have killed you, you cunt. What the hell were you thinking?”

He bowed his head. “I owe Hara money. Vivian was the way out of my debt.”

“She had so much value and you let it go to waste. Not to mention, do you even know anything about your daughter? She’s been hosting our pack events right under your nose and you had no clue.”

