Page 46 of Callum

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She remembered the warning Rafe had issued years ago, to focus on her and not pin all her hopes on a mystery guy. But now, she was days away from potentially running in the Curusm, or worse, getting mated off to Thatcher.

And the mystery guy in question was right below her tower window—so to speak.

The voices ceased and then she heard it—or him, to be more precise—as he climbed the ladder.

Should she have left the hatch open? Should she have put on music? Perfume? Done her hair differently? Not that there was much she could do with her unruly red curls after a shower, but air drying may not have been the way to go.

Stop, Vivian! She scolded. You can do this. It’s just sex. It’s what you were made to do.

The hatch flew open, hitting the floor with a thud, and then he was there, climbing through the hole, his back to her. She saw his strong shoulders, his powerful arms, as he hoisted himself up.

He was tall, not nearly as tall or bulky as Elliot—which frankly, was a relief. Callum had a more slender build, but she knew there could be speed and agility in slender shifters. Besides, she didn’t care that he wasn’t bulky or heaped with muscle girth.

Until he turned around.

The smile on his face disappeared when he spotted her.

Choosing to believe it was shock and not disappointment, Vivian stood tall and smiled.

“Hi.” Timidly, she motioned behind her to the turned down bed that was highlighted by soft lighting. “I got everything prepared for you. Do you have a preference on position?”

After a moment, he ran a hand over his face. “You’re naked.”

Vivian looked down at herself. “I’m not actually.”

The material covered her from shoulder to knee, but it was most definitely see-through.

“But I can remove it if you’d rather.”

When she lifted her arms to pull at the ties, he shouted for her to stop.

“No, please don’t!” He swallowed.

Why hadn’t he come to her yet? Should she lay on the bed and spread her legs? Was she supposed to initiate this? Because that would be a disaster.

Her palms began to sweat.

“Why are you wearing that? What did you think was going to happen tonight?”

“Um, aren’t you going to imprint on me?”

Appalled—that was the expression on his face.

Vivian’s hopes sunk.

“Why the fuck would you think that?”

Fighting tears, she chewed her lower lip. “He told me you would.”

His face darkened as he took a step forward. “Who?”

Vivian dropped to the bed and tried not to cower. “My father.” Swallowing back her tears, she explained. “It’s my duty to make you happy and let you,” she waved to her body, “do what you want with my body. That you would want to claim me and imprint right away.”

“You’re a virgin, aren’t you?” he nearly spat the word, as though it disgusted him. Though maybe it was her he found repulsive.

Oh my God, she covered her mouth with her hand, trying to hold back her sob. He didn’t want her. He was rejecting her.

Her own mate was rejecting her.
