Page 54 of Callum

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Vivian’s brows rose. “You’re pack beta?”

Pride beamed from his smile. “Yes. Drew is my best friend and my alpha. Our pack is small though, nothing like this pack. There’s maybe fifty of us. Would you ever consider moving there?”

“Moving to Maine?”


“I never thought about it before, but sure.” She shrugged. “Why not?”

“Really? That simple?”

Vivian laughed. “Yeah. Wherever you want to go is fine.”

Callum frowned. “That’s not what I mean. Not what I want.”

Now Vivian scowled. “You don’t want me to move to Maine?”

“I do,” he clarified, “but I want you to want to move.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Are you just placating me? You’ll move wherever I want you to?”


He set the backpack between his feet and pinched his brow. His sigh was heavy. “You’ll move wherever I tell you to move because it’s what I want? Because you’ve been conditioned to do whatever I want?”

“Oh.” Vivian sat up straight. “Sorry.”

He glanced over. She was expecting him to be mad, instead he was smiling kindly at her. “Let’s go at this differently. Two days ago, where did you see yourself in five years?”

“I didn’t really have a plan.” Surviving? Did she dare tell him that?

“Okay. If you could do anything you want. No limits. No questions asked. What would you do?”

“I like event planning. Maybe take some courses in that?” she shrugged.

“Okay.” Callum straightened. “Do you think you’d want to do that in Maine? Online courses or in-person?”

“In-person might be kind of cool.”

“We’ll look for some online and see what Maine has to offer.” He unzipped his bag and pulled out a laptop. “What about family? I think I met your mom on Monday.”

“You did?”

He nodded. “I was at the garden site.”

“Oh, yes. She’s part of the horticultural society. She likes flowers much better than planning events.” Vivian grinned.

“I’ll admit, I’m not one hundred percent sure which one she was, but I know she was there. I got a whiff of you that day. Rafe and I think it came from your mom. And I’ve met your dad. I went to a morning meeting that same day. But what about siblings?”

“I have an older brother. You?”

“One sister. Younger.”

“Is she nice?”

The smile that lit up his face returned. “She’s going to love you. She’s strong and independent. Fredrica works for the same company as me, but she does all our virtual stuff and web design.”
