Page 69 of Callum

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Arms crossed, Callum leaned against the frame. “You okay?”

“No.” He sighed. “Fuckin’, not at all. Fuckin’ Mercer, man.” He touched the tip of his tongue to his upper lip and shook his head.

Callum hated how helpless he felt. He wished he could help. He could only imagine how distraught Duncan was feeling.

“I’m still pissed that he did this.” Shaking his head, Duncan glared at the papers in front of him.

“You told the employees he’s off looking for his mate.”

Duncan snorted. “Yeah. You gave me the idea for that lie.” Then he paled. “You didn’t tell them?”

Callum came into the room. “No. Not my place.”

“Thanks. Thatcher doesn’t want word to get out yet.”

“Yeah.” He looked around the room. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

“Naw.” He picked up the pen and twirled it between his fingers. “Mercer did all the paperwork, you know? He basically ran the business. I work on cars. That’s what I do, what I’m good at. All this math shit, ugh. Orders, invoices, client files.” He groaned again. Leaning forward, he placed his elbows on the desk and covered his face with his hands.

When he dropped his palms to his thighs and sat back in the chair once more, Callum offered, “I can help with the paperwork.”

Duncan glanced up with caution and hope in his gaze.

“Yeah, I can do the business part if you want.” Then he added, “While I’m here, that is.”

“What did you do before?”

“I’m the operations manager of Master’s Grilling. We make BBQs and grills. I did all the office shit.”

“Numbers and math and shit?”

Smiling, Callum nodded. “And scheduling and shit.”

“Seriously, that would be awesome. Thank you.”

He glanced at the wall clock. “I’m meeting Vivian here in like forty minutes. Wanna get started now?”

An hour later, Vivian still hadn’t arrived, but voices in the waiting room drew their attention. A male voice called out for Duncan.

“I’ll be right back.” Standing up, Duncan left Callum to continue playing with the following week’s schedule. Moments later, Vivian’s voice floated down the hall, and Callum immediately relaxed. Knowing she was near always put him at ease.

That was until he heard an unfamiliar voice call her Vivi. Her subsequent response had him leaving the chair so fast it spun.


Her backpack was loaded with water bottles and hiking snacks. She was excited to have her first daytime date. She and Callum had figured an afternoon hike would be safe enough. She was eager to show him the waterfall. Aside from the tree fort, it was her only escape.

Unfortunately, her bright smile was smacked from her face when she pulled open the door to Go and Bro’s Towing and spotted Benjamin speaking with Duncan.

Then she realized the Plymouth parked outside was Benjamin’s mom’s car.


Easing the door shut, Vivian slipped inside. Duncan made the briefest eye contact before focusing on Benjamin. Her brother’s friend had his back to her.

Attempting to close the door as silently as possible, Vivian slipped into the waiting room and sunk into a chair. Grabbing a magazine, she lifted it in front of her face, hoping it would shield her from Benjamin’s notice.

But when it came to Benjamin, she’d never had good luck.
