Page 71 of Callum

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“He was making unwanted advances on Vivian,” Callum said, his gaze never leaving Benjamin.

“That’s not true!”

“It’s totally true!” Vivian called. When Elliot looked at her, she cowered again, making Duncan chuckle.

“Let him go,” Elliot commanded, his tone a fraction of an inch softer.

Jaw tight, Callum glanced over his shoulder, clearly debating it.

Finally, with one last shove, he let Benjamin go.

Shooting daggers at both her and Callum, Benjamin shook himself. “Sarge, who is this guy?”

“The better question,” Elliot started, “is what’s going on between you and Vivian.”


Elliot looked at her. “That true?”

Taking a moment, she looked at all the men there. Duncan seemed mildly concerned. Callum was still pissed, as was Benjamin, and the fact that they were standing close together had her worried their fight wasn’t over yet. And Elliot looked at her with a patience she’d come to recognize.

Shaking her head, she glanced at them all before focusing on Elliot. She wasn’t sure she could look at Callum while she explained her relationship with her brother’s friend.

“He’s always harassing me–”

“That’s not true!” Benjamin cried.

Next to him, Callum snarled.

“Benjamin!” Elliot snapped.

When they’d quieted again, Vivian pushed herself to admit what had been happening for years now. “He’s always touching me and trying to kiss me and saying lewd things. He won’t leave me alone when I tell him to stop.”

“She’s twisting it!” Benjamin said. “I’m trying to give her an out from her old man. I’m trying to save her from Hara! What happens when her dad can’t pay the debt he owes Hara?”

What debt?

“My interest is legitimate. It’s not like I just want to fuck her. I’ve offered to mate her.”

Callum tensed and would have leaped at Benjamin again if Elliot hadn’t intervened.

He put his big body between the two. “Go to the break room and cool off,” he ordered his cousin. When Callum hesitated, alpha power emanated from Elliot. “Now.”

Callum glared at his cousin and pointed a finger. “Keep her safe.”

Elliot gave a curt nod.

“Who is this guy?”

With narrowed eyes, Callum replied, “I’m the guy who’s going to kick your ass if you disrespect another woman. And I’ll fucking bury you if you go near Vivian again.”

Benjamin raged, but before he could jump at Callum, Elliot’s big palm engulfed his face. Shoving him, Elliot sent Benjamin back against the wall.

Stunned, he stayed there.

“Get the fuck out,” Elliot instructed. “I’ll deal with you in the morning.”

“But, Sarge–”
