Page 82 of Callum

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Rafe stayed quiet, but he didn’t like this turn.

“I’ll wipe the debt clean if you let me mate Vivian.”

“No fucking way!” Norman thundered upward. “You won’t touch my daughter.”

Calm as fuck, Hara didn’t look up from the chips he was piling. “Then I want my money, or I’m going to Thatcher.”

Norman glared.

Hara glanced up, victory in his gaze. “I’ll give you until tomorrow morning to come up with the money.”

“You’ll never get your hands on my daughter.”

Now Hara glared. “Then get me my money.”

In a childish show of rebellion, Norman flipped the table with a monstrous howl.

Rafe pushed away from the table and continued to watch.

“I’ll get you your damn money.” Norman pointed a finger at Hara before storming from the room.

The rest of them looked around, surprised at what had just transpired. Rafe copied their expressions.

Standing, he tugged on his jacket. “Well, I guess that ends the game.”

Despite having chips remaining, Rafe didn’t bother with them and instead headed to the door. They could keep whatever blood money had been spilled on the floor.

His focus now needed to remain on Norman.

Following at a safe distance, he tracked Norman as he headed west through the town. Making a call, he planned to meet up with Felix outside of The Howler.

When Norman arrived at the bar, he had to call Felix again. Five minutes later, the beta’s son came down the walkway to meet his father.

Hanging in the shadows, Rafe listened as they discussed Vivian’s fate.

“This better be important. I have a sure thing in there, and if I don’t get back soon, someone else will swoop in.”

“I lost more money to Hara.”

Felix groaned. “What the fuck, Dad? I told you not to keep playing him. He’s cunning and cutthroat and…” Felix trailed off as he looked at his father. “What happened?”

“If I don’t pay him, he’s going to go to Thatcher for justice.”

Felix took a breath. “I don’t have that kind of money. I’m sorry.”

“He’s willing to wipe the debt if I give him Vivian.”

“No!” Felix shouted. “You can’t do that. He’s such a fucking snake. You can’t do that to Viv.”

“Does Benjamin have that kind of money?”

Felix shook his head. “Nah.”

“Any of your friends?”

“No.” Felix paced away from his dad. “What do we do?”

“Thatcher’s expressed some interest in her.”
