Page 86 of Callum

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“And if Thatcher wants to dissolve it?”

“I’m not going to lie. He might. Imprinting on her without alerting her father is a bit of a slap in the face to Norman, but Norman’s willing to sell his daughter to cover his debt, so Thatcher might be more lenient than we assume.”

Callum seemed to consider it.

“Thatcher also seems to believe in fated mates, so that’s a point in our favor.”

“If he sides with Norman, I’ll fight for her.”

“I’ve tried my best to protect and shield Vivian for years. I’ll back whatever play you want to make, and Elliot will too. But no matter what, everything is a risk.”

Callum straightened. “Why do you put up with this? Why do you—all of you—stay? What’s this guy’s hold on you that you can’t just leave?”

Rafe kicked a pinecone with the toe of his sneaker. “You know that Vivian and I have a special relationship. I’ve always looked out for her.” Rafe met Callum’s gaze. “But she’s just one of hundreds I have to keep an eye on. What happens to them if we leave?”

Looking away, Callum shook his head. When he turned back, his voice was low. “You and Elliot and Duncan, couldn’t you…” Callum paused.

Mutiny. He was thinking mutiny, that they should take the pack. Trying to remove Thatcher was the reason so many had died years ago. Rafe was sure it was why his father and Elliot’s father were dead.

A move against Thatcher put them at risk, all of them: Vivian. Callum. Elliot. Charlotte. Anna. Sydney. Duncan. Jonah. And so many more.

Callum’s thought died on his tongue as he seemed to think it through.

It was one thing to think about overtaking Thatcher, but the reality was so much bigger than rumination.

Rafe took a sobering breath. “There’s too many of them. Thatcher’s circle is large and we’re just four guys—three now that Mercer is incapacitated.”

Callum glanced up at the treehouse and winced. “Maybe it could still be four.”

The implication, that Callum was willing to lay down to help them relieve Thatcher, was huge.

“Depending on how this all plays out, it might be four, but for now,” Rafe passed him the booklet he’d grabbed from the safe, “try to get her out before it’s too late.”

Callum held up the book, trying to see it in the light. He squinted. “A passport?”

“It’s for Vivian.”

“Why do you have a passport for Vivian?”

“It’s a precaution. I have several for the people I care about. In case I could ever get her out of here.”

They were both quiet. The wind moving the tree branches, and a board squeaked from above them.

“Look,” Rafe said, “Elliot and I will try to support you in this, but you really need to consider sealing the mating bond tonight. She can’t be made to run if she’s mated already. It’s the best way to protect her, if you want to keep her.”

“Thanks,” Callum replied. “And thanks for looking after her all this time.”

“Of course.” Rafe smiled. The stress of the night was wanning, but he was still on edge. There wasn’t much more he could do tonight. The morning might be a disaster, and put things into motion before he’d planned, but so be it.

His happiness was a small price to pay for the safety of the pack. A price he was finally willing to pay.


The warm glow she felt the second she heard Callum climbing the ladder was only further proof that not only were they mates, but she was falling for him—hard.

She’d been thinking about it all day. Thinking about him. He was constantly on her mind, the promises he’d made, the family he had, the way he spoke to her, the incredible things he did to her body.

She was in love.
