Page 98 of Callum

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“Norman, for God’s sake, shut the fuck up!” He glared at his beta with disgust. “In fact, I don’t want to hear from you until I ask you to speak.” His gaze shifted. “I’d like to hear from Vivian. Are you happy with your mating?”

She nodded. “I love him.”

Thatcher’s eyebrows rose. “I see. I want this sorted out. What happened?”

Elliot took a step forward. “Last night, Norman signed Vivian up for the Curusm as a way of settling his debt with Hara.”

Thatcher looked to his beta. “Without her permission?”

“She’s my daughter.”

“I think everyone in the room is clear on that,” Thatcher growled.

“If it wasn’t for him, she would have run. He’s the problem. It’s disrespectful that he didn’t come to me first.”

“A man who hits his daughter deserves no respect,” Callum snarled.

Heaving himself from his chair, Thatcher swaggered toward Vivian. Callum tensed when Thatcher reached toward her, but the alpha simply shifted her hair and examined her face. “Who did this to you?”

She glanced in the direction of her father. “My dad.”

Thatcher turned her chin, studying the damage. “Was it the first time?”


Thatcher’s jaw clenched. Releasing Vivian, he took a step back. “Norman came to me, disgruntled because of this blatant lack of respect that you’ve shown toward him, and by proxy, me.”

Callum stood tall, but didn’t speak.

“He has asked that I dissolve the mating and execute you.”

“No!” Vivian gasped.

“If Norman has a problem with me, he and I can settle it on our own,” Callum replied, his intention clear.

“You little shit–”

Thatcher snarled at Norman, who immediately backed down.

As much as Callum hated Thatcher, the man was a powerful alpha, and he knew if Thatcher decided to eliminate him, he could. His only chance would be if Elliot would help him overpower the alpha. They wouldn’t get away unharmed, however.

“You’re willing to fight my beta for her? To take his place if you best him?”

Elliot spoke from beside him, “I would take the role, should Callum prevail.”

Thatcher took a moment as he looked at each person in the room, deciding their fates.

“Vivian is mine, and I’ll die before I let Norman take her from me.”

“She’s yours is she?” Thatcher asked. The gleam in his eyes made Callum more than uncomfortable, but the alpha nodded. “I am not going to dissolve the mating. Vivian is yours.”

Norman objected, but Thatcher ignored him.

“However,” Thatcher continued, “you and Vivian will remain here. You will become a member of this pack and align your loyalties to me.”

The relief he’d felt just moments ago vanished, rage taking its place.

Thatcher took a step closer to Callum. “And if you think of betraying me, know that not only will I dissolve the mating, virgin or not, I will take Vivian as my mate.”
