Page 12 of Cross My Heart

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He glances up at me for a moment. “Yes.” He looks back down to tap away. Moments later, his phone dings. “This Thursday night at the El Cantina.” He grins. “Looks like our first date will be there?”

“It’s a good thing I love Mexican food.” What I don’t love is the way my pulse skyrockets every time he says our first date. I’ll have to get that under control before Thursday. Maybe take a sedative to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Because this is fake. Nothing more.



“Hey,” Ledger says, pushing his muscular frame inside my penthouse.

I shut the door behind him and follow him into my kitchen. “What’s up? Are you working at Club Greed tonight?”

He rounds the island and rests his palms on the marble top. “Yeah. I’ll be leaving here in a few minutes to get down there. I needed to talk to you first.”

It’s crazy to me that Ledger is running Club Greed now that Devereaux is in permanent daddy mode.

“So, what do you need to get off your chest?” I slide onto a barstool. “It’s about Greer, right?”

“Are you sure this is a good idea?”

I nod. “I do. Greer wants this case. The only way she can get it is to pretend-date me.”

Ledger studies me, and I know what he’s thinking before he says it. “Are you going to be able to keep your hands to yourself?”

“Probably not.” I don’t lie to Ledger, because there’s no point. “But I’m gonna try like hell to be on my best behavior.”

“Why don’t you just tell her how you feel?”

“What? That I think her body is perfect, and I’d love to do bad things to it?” I crack a smile, but Ledger doesn’t.

“You know it’s more than physical. Just tell her the truth.”

I rest my forearms on the island and lean forward. “What’s the truth?”

“That you’re into her.”

I shrug. “Doesn’t matter. You and I both know what she’s looking for in a man. And it’s not me.”

“Remember that guy Patrick she dated?”

I nod, remembering the jerk she dated for nine months. I wanted to punch him on more than one occasion. “She was always too good for him,” I say.

He crosses his arms. “He was a great guy. I still don’t understand why she turned his marriage proposal down. He was perfect for her.”

My blood simmers to a boil. “He was an asshole.”

“And you just proved my point,” he says. “You look like you want to murder someone because I said he was perfect for her.”

“He wasn’t perfect for her.” My pulse won’t calm down and I try to breathe through my nose.

Ledger gives me a smug grin. “Just don’t fuck this up. You know she deserves to be happy. And if you think you can make her happy, I say go for it, but if you don’t think you can…” He doesn’t finish his sentence because I’m already nodding at him.

“We’re just pretending to date. I don’t need the lecture.”

Ledger rounds the island. “All right, man. I’m heading to the club. You coming by tonight?”

I shake my head. “No, I’m in a committed relationship, remember?”

He laughs, slapping me on the back. “It’s so weird to hear those words coming out of your mouth.”
