Page 14 of Cross My Heart

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“Well, yeah. Holding hands. A light touch on the small of your back. Stuff like that.”

“Oh, right.”

We’re both quiet for the rest of the short drive to downtown Saint Pierce. Images of touching Greer fill my brain, so I don’t trust myself to speak to her. She keeps her gaze trained on the scenery outside her window like it’s the first time she’s ever been to this area. The skyline stretches endlessly against the backdrop of the night sky, and the streets hum with the rhythm of urban life. And Greer’s taking it all in.

I spot El Cantina’s vibrant sign in the distance and look around for a parking spot close to the restaurant.

Within a few minutes, I swing into a spot and throw the SUV in park. “Now, about this favor you owe me.” I raise a brow.


My smile drops. “You really shouldn’t promise me anything, Greer.”

Because if I weren’t such a good guy, I might ask her to do something really bad.



The way Roman’s staring at me makes my insides catch fire. His eyes never waver from mine as the seconds tick by.

“Why?” I breathe out.

He leans closer, and for a second, I think he’s going to kiss me. But that’s wishful thinking. Instead, he unbuckles my seatbelt and says, “Because you never know what I’ll ask for.” He leans back, and a slow smile lifts his lips. “I might ask you to clean my penthouse for a month.”

“It would probably take longer than a month to clean up after you,” I whisper, because I’m afraid my voice might shake if I speak any louder.

Whatever was growing between us quickly dies when he laughs as he opens the door and hops out.

As he rounds the hood, I breathe deep. There are times where Roman looks at me like he’s thinking something else. Something deeper. Sexual. Like he wants me. But I know better than to think a man like Roman Thorne would ever want anything with someone like me.

He’s into the no-strings-attached women at Club Greed. He’d never want something serious. Roman Thorne can’t be tamed.

Despite that, when he opens my door and we head toward the restaurant, I walk with a little pride. I get to pretend I’ve tamed him, at least.

As we approach the entrance’s glass doors, Roman places his large hand on the small of my back. “Are you ready for this?”

I nod as chills skate down my spine. “Yes, I’m ready.”

We step into El Cantina, and even for a Thursday, it’s busy. The warm lighting bathes the interior in a golden hue, casting an elegant illumination on the dark wood furnishings and ornate tile work. My gaze roams to the red-leather booths lining the perimeter, and the tables covered with brightly-colored linens—all filled with people. We’ll definitely get the attention we’re seeking here.

The back area is packed like sardines, and I’m guessing that’s where Eden and Sadie are seated.

Roman walks up to the hostess with confidence. “We’d like a table in the back,” he tells the young girl.

She gazes up at Roman with wide eyes. “Yes, sir,” she says, and then taps away at the iPad in her hand. “Follow me.”

She’s only got eyes for Roman, but I find it funny instead of feeling any jealousy toward it.

I'm accustomed to the attention Roman receives when we go out. Heck, I sometimes catch myself staring at him a bit too long. He’s just that good-looking. It's unfair to other men. And me. How can I have a romantic anything with Roman in my life? Compared to him, anyone I date looks like Kermit the Frog.

On our walk to the table, I slip my hand into his and smile just in case anyone knows us. Plus, if we’re going to pretend, then I want to get the full experience of what it would be like to really date this man.

Roman glances down to where our hands are joined and gives mine a gentle squeeze. When we make it to the back room, I spot Eden and Sadie’s table right away. How can you miss Eden’s bright pink bob? She always wears crazy headbands, and tonight she’s wearing one with blue and pink hearts all over it. Her makeup is just as bold as she is, and her bright blue blouse and floral skirt demands attention.

Sadie’s more subtle, wearing a charcoal dress that cuts just above her knee, with her blonde hair pulled back in a tight bun at the base of her head.

There are a few people at the table with them, but I make eye contact with Sadie as we pass. Her gaze drops to my hand connected with Roman’s, and she leans in to whisper to Eden.
