Page 55 of Cross My Heart

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“You like this woman?” I blurt out, interrupting their conversation.

Greer and Ledger both pivot to look at me, with Ledger's expression betraying a hint of shock at my question. He understands trying to lie to me—there's simply no point.

“There’s just something about her,” he whispers, and Greer’s eyes grow wider.

“Oh Ledger,” she gasps, obviously knowing how bad this is.

“Don’t worry. I know she’s engaged, and I don’t plan on doing anything about it.” Ledger glances at his phone once more, and I can’t shake this feeling of unease.

I want to believe him. Really, I do, but why is he watching his phone like a hawk?

After what feels like an eternity, Devereaux walks out to deliver the good news.

“A healthy baby boy,” he says with one of the biggest smiles I’ve ever seen on his face.

We all congratulate him and time moves like a snail until we’re allowed into the room with Chloe and the baby.

Chloe’s face beams as she gazes down at her son in her arms. She’s a trooper, and she looks great. “I want you all to meet Devereaux Junior.”

Devereaux looks like a proud papa standing next to Chloe and my heart fills with happiness as I stare at my two friends.

Greer coos over the baby, talking with Chloe. Ledger and Dev discuss a few things about the club, and I stand back and watch it all. Like I’m looking into someone else’s life. The life I realize I want.

I want it all.

And I want it with her.

My fake girlfriend.



“Can you believe how perfect my little nephew is?” I ask from the front seat of Roman’s SUV on the way back to my place.

“He was incredibly perfect,” he answers in a monotone voice.

“What’s wrong?” I ask because he’s been sort of off since we left the hospital.

He pulls into my driveway and switches off the engine. As he does so, he places a hand on my knee. The mere touch sends shivers cascading down my spine.

“One of my best friends just had a baby. It’s a pretty big thing. Dev is the guy who jumped off a roof when he was fifteen just to see if he could, and now that guy has a baby.”

I laugh lightly, remembering how Dev twisted his ankle when he decided one sunny afternoon that he’d jump off the roof of our childhood home. “Yeah, it’s hard to believe.”

Roman’s silent again, staring at his hand on my knee. He moves his thumb in lazy circles. “It’s just a lot to process.”

I run my fingers over his hand. “Let me help you process it better.” I don’t know what’s come over me, but it's as if my body has transformed into a live wire, crackling with anticipation, poised to be ignited at any moment. Watching Roman hold my nephew changed something deep inside me.

He leans in, capturing my lips, and I moan against him. “Let’s take this inside,” he whispers across my skin causing an electric shiver to race up my spine.

We barely make it out of his SUV before we’ve got our hands all over each other.

We slip inside the front door, and slam it shut. And then his hands are gripping my ass, and he’s kissing me desperately.

We make it as far as the couch.

“I can’t stop wanting you,” he says to me as he sits down and I straddle him. “I just can’t get enough of you, Greer.”
