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Chapter 1


Teo pocketed his phone and clapped his hands together excitedly. “She’s here.”

The parlor buzzed with excitement as all Mira's closest friends and family gathered to await her arrival. My heart pounded in my chest with the long-awaited anticipation. With law school finished, she would finally be returning home for good.

I hated that I had to miss her graduation in the US, but with everything going on with the Romanos and the added threat of Don Fabbri, Teo couldn't spare me for an overseas trip.

The door opened and we all turned to see Piero, Nic, and Mira walk in.

Mira gasped and grinned. "You're all here."

"Of course. I may have had to miss my little sister's graduation, but I wasn't going to let her return home go uncelebrated," Teo said happily as he stepped away from our small group to hug Mira and greet his father and brother.

"I'll forgive you since you had such a good excuse. Speaking of, where is my beautiful sister-in-law? Upstairs in bed where the doctor banished her?"

"Not quite," Mia called out from the chaise lounge where she sat with her legs propped up, her hand affectionately resting on her large pregnant belly.

Mira rushed over to her and leaned down to give her a hug while I impatiently waited an appropriate amount of time for her to greet the others before I stepped up.

"Mira," I grinned and stepped forward once there was an opportune lull. "I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to make it to your graduation. I wanted to be there, but Teo needed—"

"I know. I completely understand." She gently squeezed my arm and smiled, causing my heart to race.

Just then, the man I had, over the past few months, grown to loath walked through the door.

My joy in seeing Mira faded at the site of him and her smile dropped as she scanned over my new expression.

"What's he doing here?"

Mira followed my gaze to the door where Stefano Costa stood, shaking hands with Piero.

"Stefano came back from Cambridge with us. He flew out to surprise me at graduation."

"He flew out..."


"Well, I guess it's good that I didn't make it out there for your big day," I replied flatly.


I leaned in so only she could hear but my hands shook with barely restrained anger. " I understand family obligations. You promised your father that you would try to get to know Stefano for the family, but don't you think it's time to put the poor bastard out of his misery?"

"I've actually grown quite fond of Stefano over these last few months. It's refreshing to be with someone who isn't ashamed to be with me," Mira hissed and pulled her arm from my grasp just as Stefano joined us, placing his hand on the small of her back and I wanted to snap his arm off.

"Luca, it's good to see you again." He offered me his hand and I grit my teeth as we shook hands in greeting.

"Likewise." I hated having to be polite when all I really wanted was to punch the guy in the face. It wasn't like me to mask my true opinions about a person, but it was Mira's celebration, and I didn't want anything to take away from that.

"I hear that you have been pretty busy lately as the new head Enforcer."

"Yeah. If you'll excuse me, I need a drink."

"That sounds like an excellent idea. I think I'll join you."

I held in my groans about him following me and just walked to the wet bar. I grabbed myself a glass and poured my drink with a heavy hand. I didn't bother pouring Stefano a drink. If he wanted something, he could get it himself.
