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“Cooking is more than following a simple recipe. What makes a meal good is the personal touch. It’s a feeling more than something you can put in a book.”

“You know how to cook?”

“I do, actually.”

I scoffed. “How is it that I’ve known you practically my whole life and I didn’t know that you could cook?”

“You never asked.” Luca shrugged. “So, what are you going to make?”

“I don’t know yet. I want something warm and comforting and homey for Mia’s first night out of the hospital.”

“Warm, comforting, homey?” Luca pondered. “I think I’ve got just the thing.”


“My grandmother’s secret Brasato al Barolo. You’re actually in luck. It needs to sit overnight or for a couple of days for the best taste. I made some last night to eat for the week, but I will sacrifice my roast for this special occasion.”

“You cooked a roast?” I couldn’t hide the surprise in my voice.

“Yes. I can get it from my house, heat it up, and it will be ready in plenty of time. We should even have time to go to the store and pick up ingredients to make an appetizer and dessert as well.”

“Okay, who are you and what have you done with Luca?”

“Oh, I’m just full of surprises, principessa.”

He winked at me, and I felt that familiar draw to him, but I quickly pushed those feelings away. It would never work, besides, you’re with Stefano now. Wonderful, sweet, thoughtful Stefano. I reminded myself and Luca looked at me curiously.


“What do you say? Are you in to be my sous chef?”

“Definitely.” I nodded and Luca grinned.

“Good. Now, go grab your purse, shoes, whatever it is a girl needs to leave the house with and let’s go. We may have the main dish complete, but we still have to make the potatoes, vegetables, appetizer, and dessert.”

“I’m going to let that bossy tone slide this time since you’re helping me out but you better tack on a please to that sentence if you want to get me to do anything.” I smirked playfully, grateful to have his help.

“Fine then.” Luca rolled his eyes with a smile. “Please get your ass in gear so we can get to the store and have time to cook before the family dinner?”

“Better,” I teased before running upstairs to grab my things.

After a quick trip to the market and by Luca’s to pick up the roast, I helped Luca carry the groceries into the kitchen. Luca had led me through the market, teaching me how to pick the best produce, what ingredients we would need for the meal, as well as tips and tricks for getting the most flavor from the herbs. I was surprised by the new side of Luca. I thought I’d seen all his sides, or at least water-down versions of them. I knew I hadn’t seen how dark he could get. He was my brother’s lead enforcer and while I may not have known the details that his job entailed, I could use my imagination and was under no illusion that it was a glamorous job.

I started to unload the bags, heading for the refrigerator with the ricotta and red bell peppers when Luca’s voice stopped me.

“What are you doing with those?”

“Putting them in the fridge?”

“Don’t worry about putting everything up yet. We need to get things prepped.”

“Whatever you say Chef,” I teased and placed the peppers and cheese on the counter.

“Alright, we don’t have a ton of time before the dinner so while I’m getting the roast in the oven to reheat, why don’t you start washing the produce?”

“That I can do.”

“I believe in you.” Luca smirked and bumped my hip playfully with his.
