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“What?” Teo gasped.

“Stupid bitches. They are lucky they aren’t men because...”

Teo held up a hand. “We’ll figure out how to deal with them. I’m sure they have male relatives.”

“I have a better idea. These girls are spoiled rich brats. I don’t think they would even shed a tear if we roughed up every guy in their families.”

“What do you have in mind?”

“It’s probably better if you have deniability with this. I’ll just need a few men and a lot of leeway.”

“Make it happen. You know I trust you, Luca.”

I gave a nod. “What do you want to do about the men?”

“They knew that she’d been drugged?”

“There’s no way they couldn’t have. Even still, she was trying to push them away. They knew what they were about to do.”

“Then take care of them.”

“Gladly.” My blood still boiled from reliving the video footage of what Mira had gone through the night before. I would have been lying if I had said I wasn’t looking forward to ridding the world of those vermin.

In my daily life, I wasn’t a very violent man. Hell, if anything, I was the class clown of our group, but I was fiercely protective of my family and that was what had earned me the place of head enforcer.

As I left Teo’s office, my first thought was to go to check in on Mira and make sure that she was okay after her ordeal the night before, but I needed to keep my distance. I was furious and the last thing I wanted was to let her see the rage inside. I needed to focus on taking care of all the guilty parties. Then, and only then, would my mind be clear, and my temper be calmed.

Sienna was looking after Mira, and I couldn’t think of anyone better equipped to watch out for her than our new family doctor. Sienna and I had a special friendship ever since she patched me up on a job several months back. It might have been under duress at the time since Alessandro had kidnapped her and forced her to treat me, but Sienna had never even hesitated to save my life or to check on me afterward to make sure I healed up well.

It was funny how in just a few months, I’d be attending her wedding to Alessandro. She’d asked me to keep a good eye on her father for the day of the wedding since the old man suffered from dementia and big events could get pretty confusing for him. I was honored to do that for her after everything she’d done for me.

I caught myself smiling, lost in better memories as I drove down the road toward Enzo’s private card club, but those thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing.


“Luca, it’s Enzo. Sorry I missed your call earlier, I was in a meeting and couldn’t get away.”

“No problem. I need a favor.”

“What kind of favor?”

“The kind that requires the use of your club for a few hours.”

“Are you throwing a private party?”

“You could say that.”

“Oh no. I know that tone. I’m going to need a clean-up crew once you’re done, aren’t I?”

“Probably but it’s for a good cause.”

“No problem. Do you need my help?”

“Nah, I got some guys meeting me at the club now.”

“Okay. Looks like I’m going home early tonight.”

“Aurora will be happy about that, I’m sure.”
