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“What are you talking about? You texted me.”

I cleared my throat loudly, bringing my attention to myself as I rose from my chair. “Actually, I’m the one who invited you all.”

“Who the fuck are you?” Cassio asked.

“You’re host for tonight’s festivities.” I kept my voice relaxed, almost cheerful but there was a sinister undertone that I couldn’t hide as I stared at the men, remembering their hands on Mira.

“This is shit. I’m out of here.” He took a step back toward the door when my eight guys all emerged from around the room, finally making themselves known.

“What the fuck kind of game are you playing at here, man?” Cassio was trying to act tough, but his voice wavered, and his eyes were just slightly too large.

“You really don’t recognize me, do you?”

“You’re the guy from last night. The one who came and got that girl at the club.” One of the other men said as the look of recognition spread across their faces.

Each of them turned toward the door but my men had their orders. They ran toward the door but were quickly apprehended. Two of my men held each of the men in place in a half circle around the main floor and I stood in the center.

“I watched the video from the club last night. Luigi keeps really good video evidence of everything that happens in his club, even in the VIP rooms, did you know that?”

The men struggled against my guys’ hold and they kicked out the back of their knees, making each of the four drop as I walked around slowly to each one of them.

“What kind of pathetic, low life, desperate vermin take advantage of a drugged woman like that?”

Some of them started stammering for some reason or another but I didn’t bother listening to their pitiful excuses.

I stopped at one, seemingly random man and pulled my pistol from my waistband. He’d been the one to shove Mira down on the bed in the VIP room. “You.” I pointed at him with my pistol, and he flinched.

“You seemed awfully eager to go first last night. Maybe I should let you go first tonight.”

“Go first, at what?” His voice trembled.

I stalked closer, placing the muzzle of my gun under his chin and forced him to meet my eye. He fought against my guys’ grip and their hands squeezed on his biceps until he winced in pain.

“How many drugged and helpless girls have you taken liberties with?”

“What?” He looked up at me with wide eyes.

“How many?” I barked and he jumped.

“I didn’t. I swear. I thought she was into it.”

“You thought that a girl who could barely move, who gathered all her strength to shake her head no, was into it?”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t—”


The sound of my gun going off echoed through the room and the man on his knees cried out as blood exploded from his upper thigh.

I leaned in closer to him, grabbing him by the hair and forcing him to face me as I raised my voice to a vicious growl. “I said how many?”

“Eight, maybe nine. I don’t know. I’m sorry.”

I released his hair harshly, causing his head to snap back before moving to the next.

“And what about you? How many—”

“Seven. Maybe eight or nine. I didn’t keep count, honestly.” The man was so desperate to answer he didn’t even let me finish so I didn’t shoot him and just moved on to the next.
