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"Once your hands are cut free, you may remove your hood."

I went one by one and cut their wrists free, each one eager to pull the sack from their head to see where they'd been brought.

Each one gasped in horror, large eyes darting around the dirty basement that had no doors or windows and was dimly lit by exposed bulbs on each side.

I finally made it to the last girl. I didn't want to harm an innocent girl, but I couldn't look weak if she chose to disobey.

"You don't want to have the freedom to use your arms?"

She was silent.

"You don't care about being able to see your surroundings?"

Still nothing.

I struck the cage, making a loud rattle and she jumped.

"You're only going to make this harder on yourself. You think it bothers me if you stay bound with a hood over your head until I’m ready for you?" I warned in a sinister tone, and she reluctantly felt her way to the front of the cage.

I cut the ropes free a little rougher than I had been with the others, and she lifted the sack from her head, looking up at me with wide, familiar brown eyes.


"What the—" One of my men started but I shook my head, looking around in warning to tell him not to respond.

"You're going to be a little troublemaker, aren't you?" I said bitterly to Mira before turning back to my men. "I think I'm going to need a little alone time with this one first, to make sure she knows who's in charge here."

My men chuckled, trying to hide their own confusion and I was glad that I'd reminded them to play along no matter what I said. We couldn't afford to break character even for a moment.

I unlocked Mira's cage and even as I reached in and roughly grabbed her from her cell, she didn't look scared. She looked angry. That was my Mira. Fierce and brave always.

I dragged her by the arm into the small storage room off of the main open basement. The moment the door shut her bravery melted away..

"Look, I don't want any trouble, but I think there's been a mistake. You don't know who my family is or I'm sure you wouldn't have done this."

"Oh, I know exactly who your family is, Mira.” I spoke in my normal voice without an accent as I pulled my mask off over my head.

Mira looked shocked before her surprise shifted into rage.

“What the hell is this?” She hissed. “What kind of game are you playing here, Luca?”

“This is far from a game, and I would encourage you to keep your voice down,” I growled at her, taking a step closer and pinning her against the concrete wall.

Fear washed over her face for a moment before it was gone again. “Then tell me what this is.”

I ignored her demands. “You've been avoiding me.”

“And so, this is your way of getting my attention? I ignore you and you kidnap me and my friends?”

I scoffed. “Those girls are hardly your friends. What the hell are you doing with them anyway?”

“You tell me what you're doing abducting us first.”

“The plan was to abduct the three of them, let them fear for their lives, for their safety. Let them think that they're going to be sold off and trafficked, maybe even drugged. I want to teach them a lesson about what true fear really is. I want to make them feel just a little bit of the terror I know you felt when they abandoned you to those men in the club.” While my voice had started out calm, almost matter-of-fact, the more I thought about what those girls had done to Mira, the more I wanted them terrified for their lives before letting them go and it reflected in the tone of my voice.

“You're doing this for me?”

“I'm doing this for anyone that they might decide to do this to but yes, mainly I'm doing it for you because no one should ever harm you in any way. Don’t you see, Mira? I will always look out for you. Now tell me what you're doing out with these psychotic bitches.”
