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“What?” Luca snapped angrily.

“I need to talk to you, boss. It’s important.”

“Shit. I’m sorry. Just a minute.” Luca gently moved me back to my chair, handing me a napkin to wipe away the tears. “Eat something while I handle this.”

I nodded, wiping my tears away before taking a sip of juice as Luca opened the door.

“What is it?” Luca’s irritation was clear in his tone even though he kept the volume low.

“We need to talk about the girl I’m training.”

“Giulietta? What about her?”

“Can I come in? I don’t want to be overheard.”

“Fine. Come in.”

The man lowered his voice to a whisper, and I had to strain to be able to hear him still. “The bitch is impossible. All the other girls have at least shown some improvement, but she won’t budge. She still acts as if her daddy is going to swoop in and save her. She hasn’t been rewarded with any comforts I could take away. We can’t actually slap them around or get physical with them, so I’m not sure what to do to get her to break.”

“I knew she’d be the most challenging. She’s their ringleader. If we can’t break her, then they will eventually fall back in line with her once they’ve escaped. We have to break her before orchestrating their escape.”

“I know. But I’m out of ideas without breaking any of your rules.”

“I have an idea,” I said quietly, turning around in my seat to face them.


“Yeah. Giulietta is stubborn but she’s also competitive and unbelievably vain. You need to put us girls up against each other. Make it a competition and let the prize be something good, like being granted three wishes, obviously none of which can be things like being set free, but for example, a mattress, a hot bath maybe, or some good food.”

“A competition,” Luca mumbled, deep in thought. “That’s brilliant.”

“Like what? Have them each do a strip tease and see who the guys like best?” The other guy asked Luca.

Luca shot a look at me and quickly answered, “no. No stripping.”

“Then what?”

“How about making each of the girls fix themselves up?” I suggested.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, the whole point of trafficking someone would be to lure potential buyers in and entice them to want to buy the girls, so have the girls choose from a selection of sexy outfits, let them do their hair and makeup with the promise that whichever girl does the best job of making herself look appealing, gets whatever reward you decide on.”

“That’s a great idea.” Luca looked impressed.

“You just have to make sure that Giulietta wins, then she will have something you can take away if she doesn’t start following the rules.”

“And what’s even better, I think their traffickers wouldn’t want to let all the girls’ hard work go to waste. Maybe we should have one of our buyers come see the girls. Imagine their horror to find out that they got themselves all fixed up so that they could possibly be sold off to some perv looking for a girl.”

“Between the two of you, I’m glad I’m on your side. You two are like evil masterminds.” Luca’s man chuckled.

“We do make a good team.” Luca cast me a meaningful look and smiled wistfully.

The other man pondered for a moment. “But who are we going to get to pretend to be a buyer? It couldn’t be a Venturi in case the girls recognize the man after their escape.”

“I have someone I can ask. Take Mira to her cell and get the guys started on preparations while I make a call.”

“You got it, boss.”
