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“Don’t come any closer.” I cocked the hammer back on the gun, praying he wouldn’t push me to actually shoot, because I would.

“You’re going to marry me and be the dutiful little wife and here is why. Do you remember that tragedy that happened a couple of years ago when the Monticelli lawyer was brutally killed in your donna’s home?”

“Brambilla, yes, I remember,” I said hesitantly, unsure where he was going with that.

“His killer was never found.”

I gasped. “Did you kill him?”

He laughed dryly. “No. But I know who did, and it would be a shame if the information ever came to light, not only from a legal standpoint but the information would tear your entire family apart.”

“What are you talking about?”

He took another step, but I didn't shoot. I wanted to hear his explanation.

"Hmm...which name should I give you?"

"The real one. If you know who killed Mia's family's lawyer, you have to speak up about who the guilty party is."

"Guilt is a funny thing, though. Isn't it? I mean, on one hand, it was your father who gave the orders, but Luca was the one who actually did the deed. I don't know...who do you think is truly guilty?"

"Luca? My father?" I shook my head, unable to find words.

"I suppose we could always let the authorities decide who is guilty between them."

"No. They wouldn't..."

"But they did. And my family has the evidence to prove it."

"Wha—what are you going to do with that information?"

"That, my dear fiancée, is entirely up to you."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I can forward it to the police and turn all the evidence over to them if I see them as a threat, or..."

"Or?" I asked impatiently.

"Or we can keep this a little secret between husband and wife."

"Are you seriously trying to blackmail me into marrying you?"

"One thing you will learn about me is that when I want something, I will stop at nothing to get it and keep it."

"Why me? Why do you want me so bad that you'd stoop to this?"

He laughed without showing any true expression. "It's not you that I really want. It's my child growing inside you. My heir. You're nothing but a convenient incubator for my child."

"I don't even know who you are anymore."

"Oh no, you are just starting to get to know me. So, what will it be? Marry me, save your family, and give our baby a wonderful home with two parents who love him or destroy your family and ours, and I will do whatever it takes to make sure that I get custody of our child and you will never see him again."

I couldn't believe that he was the same man that I'd spent the last several months falling for. How could I agree to his terms? But could I risk calling his bluff?

"I want to see the evidence before I agree to anything."

"Of course, my smart girl. I will show you the copies in my briefcase but first..."
