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"Then where are we going? We’re on an island. It's not like we can drive home from here."

"We just have to make it to Messina." Luca didn’t take his eyes off the road, his hands gripping the wheel like a vice.


Luca nodded. "I have a friend waiting to take us by boat across the strait to Reggio Calabria where the jet’s waiting to take us home."

"Wow, you really planned this all out."

“Shit,” Luca cursed as he glanced in the rearview mirror.

“What’s wrong?” I turned in my seat to look out the back, a set of headlights nearly blinding me in the dark.

“They’re behind us. Hold on.”

He pushed the gas pedal and the engine roared louder as the car struggled to go any faster but somehow Stefano’s men still gained on us.

“They must have modified their engines.”

“What does that mean?”

“They made them go faster. I can’t lose them.”

Panic coursed through me, my heart pounded in my throat and up into my ears. “What are we going to do?”

“If I can’t outrun them, then I’m going to have to outmaneuver them instead.”

“Okay.” I held on tight as Luca took a side road to our left at the last minute. Stefano’s men didn’t have time to react, sending them flying by us.

“There. That should by us a little...fuck.”

Headlights in my side window nearly blinded me only a heartbeat before a sickening metal crunch filled my ears, my body slung to the side, and everything went black.

Chapter 27


“Mira? Mira!” Luca’s panicked voice called from somewhere nearby. He sounded worried and I tried to answer but I couldn’t force the words to come out. I tried to open my eyes to look for him, but the sound of his voice faded away again.

Loud sirens whirred in my ears, startling me. Bright lights flashed in the dark and I flinched at the unexpected pain behind my eyes. I tried to look around, but everything moved too fast. Strangers rushed around me. I thrashed my head from side to side, squinting at the painfully bright lights, contrasting from the dark around us.

“Luca,” I cried out but one of the men firmly pressed my shoulders down onto a stretcher.

“You need to try to be still.”

“Where’s Luca?”

“The man you were with? My partner is just examining him to make sure he’s okay.”

“What happened? What’s going on?”

“Mira,” Luca’s panicked voice cut through the noise and his face suddenly appeared over me. He took my hand and my body sagged in relief.

“Luca, you’re okay.”

“I’m fine. You’re okay, we’re both going to be okay.”

All at once, the world shifted like I was on a tilt-a-whirl, and I wasn’t sure if I was going to pass out or throw up. “I don’t feel—”
