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“I guess not. But I know you won’t say anything. You really didn’t know?”

“No. How could I?”

“I don’t know. So, you’re pregnant again?”

“Yeah.” We both let out a chuckle.

“Wow,” I breathed out and sat on the bed.

“This is so exciting. We’re going to be going through this together and our kids are going to be the same age. They can grow up together.”

“That does sound nice,” I said with less enthusiasm as my mind raced.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m not sure how Luca will feel about this.”

“Oh, Mira. He’s going to be thrilled.”

“You think?”

“Of course. He loves you, and he was not only willing but enthusiastic at the thought of raising another man’s baby because it was yours. How much more excited do you think he is going to be about raising a child that is yours and his together?”

My mood plummeted at the mention of the ‘other baby’ that I had lost, and my shoulders slumped.

“Oh honey, you know I didn’t mean anything by that. It came out wrong.”

“No, no. It’s fine, really. I know what you meant.”

“Okay, it’s just...Luca is a great man. He would have loved that baby like it was his own and he mourned her loss right along with you because in his mind she wasn’t another man’s baby, she was yours. You said that God was going to give you your baby when the time was right. The time’s right. You are with Luca, happy, in love, celebrating being together for a year. He’s going to be ecstatic about the baby.”

“I hope you’re right. It’s just...last time, with Stefano, was horrible. I thought that I knew him, that when he asked me to marry him and for us to be a family, I thought it was a good thing, but it wasn’t.”

“You have to have more faith in yourself and in Luca. You’ve known each other most of your life. You know him. Put your fears aside and listen to your heart then you’ll know that it really will all be okay. Don’t worry. Just go out, have fun, tell him if and when the moment is right.”

“Thanks, Mia.”

“Any time.” Mia hugged me and I quickly slipped on my shoes and checked my makeup before there was a knock on the bedroom door.

“Mira, are you ready?” Luca’s voice came from behind the ajar bedroom door.

“Come in. I was just finishing up. Mia and Eli are in here too.”

Luca pushed the door open and stepped inside. “Wow, throwing a party without me?” He smiled and nodded at Mia. “Ciao, Mia, man...” He ruffled Eli’s dark curls, making him laugh.

“Well, it’s about time for Eli’s dinner so we are going to go,” Mia said before giving me one more hug. “Have fun tonight and don’t worry,” she whispered before leaving the room.

Luca walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. “You look beautiful this evening.”

“Thank you. And don’t even think about pulling that hair ruffle thing with me. I’ve put way too much work into these curls.”

Luca laughed and kissed my nose before pulling me closer. “I wouldn’t dream of doing such a thing...not before dinner anyway. I make no guarantees once I get you back to my place.”

“Your place? I didn’t know that we were going back to your place after dinner. I didn’t even pack an overnight bag.”

“That wouldn’t be a problem if you’d move in with me already.”

“I told you...I’m a little traditional when it comes to that.”
