Page 1 of Solace

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Ihad no idea how on earth I ended up in the back of a car, I was simply looking for somewhere to hide, and couldn’t risk being seen. I was shocked when the car door opened, I mean who the hell leaves their door open in this neighbourhood?

Hell, the crime rate was shocking, with guns, knives, and fights, I heard they used anything they could get their hands on for a weapon, broken glass, screwdrivers, it all happened here. You certainly didn’t leave your home at night, and there was me, on the run, hiding from any possible onlookers, trying to stay alive.

I tried many cars before this car door, to my surprise opened. I quickly climbed inside and crouched behind the driver’s seat. I’d been on the run for the last few hours, hiding wherever I could to avoid being seen or found. Thankfully it was dark, preventing them from finding me so easily, the last thing I wanted was to be caught and taken back to the miserable life I had. I needed to get as far as possible in order to save my life.

I tried so hard not to breathe or make a sound, I was so anxious to the point my body was paralyzed, one slight move and I’d be caught. I scrunched up in the tiny area, thankfully I was small anyway. Truthfully, I couldn’t handle being treated like a possession, or prisoner anymore. I had lived, heard, and witnessed things I wished I hadn’t; some of those turned my stomach. Many images haunted me day and night, and I often woke up screaming. My papa showed no remorse, control, or feelings, he was made of steel and so was his heart. You betrayed or became my father’s enemy, you’d better run; he wouldn’t stop until he had drained you of your sanity. You were ready for a wooden box if you were that lucky and not dumped somewhere or fed to the animals.

I tried so many times to block out the sounds of those times, putting on my headphones and listening to music, just to stop the screams from piercing my eardrums. My papa never thought twice about who was around and witnessed his and his slave’s evil ways. His recent game was trying to get me to marry Ricco. I was twenty-two and not ready to commit my life to anyone, especially that monster. Ricco was nothing but an arrogant, evil, vindictive man, who would stop at nothing until he got what he wanted. I had so much I wished to see and do with my life, before handing it over on a plate and sacrificing the only morals I had left. Of course, I knew my dad wanted me to marry as soon as I was able to and had spoken of it since I was a child.

You will marry a good man, who will look after you.

His words spun around my head like a tornado about to make landfall. Only when he told me he wanted me to marry Ricco, my stomach somersaulted. Not only was he twenty years older than me, but he was also scum and made my skin crawl. I guessed you could say being the daughter of the Godfather of the Italian Dellucci family was never a good thing. I was born into the Mafia where you’d be mad to cross them, and we were also at war with another Italian family, why? I had no idea.

All I knew it was with the Conti family and that wearing their blood was something my papa loved to do and saluted. Personally, blood wasn’t my thing, I hated the sight of it and thankfully when papa had finished with his victims, his fools would come in and clean up making sure that there was no evidence left.

Suddenly the doors to the car opened and I froze on the spot, not daring to move an inch or breathe.

“Well, I can thankfully say, he fucking deserved that the lying bastard,” a deep male voice said.

“I doubt he’ll be saying much from now on,” the other male replied as they both chuckled.

I swallowed and with my mouth open, breathed, trying not to make a sound. The car was started and put in motion, I had no idea where I was heading or if I was safe. What I did know was that when an opportunity arrived, I would jump out and run. I was so desperate to get away from my house before my papa made me marry Ricco which was set for in a few months. Now that man was a whole other nightmare, he was my father’s second in command and had done nothing but flirt and try to get me to fuck him since I was a eighteen. His face was a scarred mess from whatever he had done over the years.

All of papa’s men were made with no heart or shame and were vultures that would kill for the sake of doing so. They didn’t give a fuck and would take whatever came their way. Idiots, and all for my ungrateful father. Ricco often tried to force himself on me, rubbing his damn erection up against my stomach or thigh while breathing his musty breath on me. He would try to grope my breasts only I would push or step away from him. There was nothing I liked about the man, either way, my papa found him wonderful and the best man to help with running his businesses and clubs, it was all that mattered.

My chest was tight, and I had to keep calm even if my stomach somersaulted. The silence was all I relied on at that moment and nothing else as I hid in the back of this car, going goddamn no idea where. I had to try and keep myself hidden, from these men.

The car slowed down as I tried to stay still, even if I was tempted to look up and see where we were and maybe jump out. I dare not even breathe, so they wouldn’t discover me, this was a nightmare. My damn right leg got cramp, with my uncomfortable position being all huddled in a small, confined space, but what other choice did I have? One of the men’s phones started ringing and it was put on hands-free.

“Hey, boss.”

“Did you, do it?” said another male voice, full of sternness and authority.

“Yeah, it’s done.”

“Good, I’ll see you back at the house, as we have another problem that needs resolving.”

“No problem boss.”

The call ended and I had to somehow get the hell out of this car and get as far away as possible. I did not like the tone of the conversation, fearing once again, I had managed to climb into a car that was potential trouble. I had no idea where we were heading, well I did a house, but who’s? My heart told me it was nowhere I wished to be.

Damn, I needed to start a new life where no one knew me.

Maybe that was my answer.

I scrunched up my nose and chewed my lower lip, aware that it sounded like a good idea and what did I have to lose. Nothing. Of course, like usual it would never be that straightforward, I had no money, identification, or any clothes, only what was on my body and that wasn’t going to get me anywhere.

What the hell was I thinking about leaving with no cash or clothes?

Yes, I left the house in a hurry, I saw an opportunity and ran. I had no choice. I just couldn’t bear another day listening to my patronising papa while Ricco tried to get in my knickers and lick my face, it was getting beyond the joke. I saw an opportunity to run, and went. I was a girl in turmoil.

I heaved my breath; I had the chance now to try and… well, I was unsure what to do. I really never did think about my options and I was stupid not to have things in place or a bag to grab when like this evening, the chance came.
