Page 40 of Solace

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In time I knew I would have to tell the truth, and I know Antonio would likely flip out if not harm me in some way. The fact remained that I was sinking into his trap of lust and passion. My heart liked him a lot and leaving here and not having him in my life would shatter me.

I made my way down to the kitchen to see Denise giving me a narrowed-eye look.


“Sorry?” she shouted. “I’m seriously sick of this. Who do you think you are? If Mr Conti wasn’t resting, I would be taking you to him.” She stood before me looking down her pointed nose.

“Mr Conti would like some food. If you could arrange some for him.” I turned to see Luigi.

“Of course, she will bring it to him. I will place a note on the tray,” Denise growled.

“Thanks,” I smirked.

I helped with putting his tray together before leaving to take it to him. I craved to see him again, but only when I saw those bandages I thought of Ricco.

Carlo stood outside his door, I smiled and stood before him. Without him saying a word he opened the door and in I entered to see Antonio sitting up on the bed using his mobile phone. He glanced across at me and a smile lit up his face.

Walking in placing the tray on the bed.

“I have brought you, eggs on toast, fresh orange juice…”

“And you,” he said, joyfully.

Tilting my head to the side and watched as he placed the phone on his bedside cabinet.

“I had hoped they would send you,” he sweetly commented.

I quirked a side smile and stood at the foot of the bed.

“Denise has left you a kind note about me.”

He furrowed his brows. “Please don’t tell me you have been naughty again?”

“I was late due to, well nursing you.”

He pats the bed with his hand, suggesting I move up to him. The truth was I wished for nothing more, only having Denise on my back again would well, piss me off. Personally, I didn’t like the woman, but she was good at her job, then she had no choice as Antonio would kick her hind out.

“I have jobs to do.”

“I am your job, keeping me warm. I believe a happy heart, means a quick recovery,” he winked.

“You just made that up!”

“Yeah, but it sounded good. Just stay with me for a while. If Denise kicks off just send her to me, although she needs to bear in mind I’m resting, and I get very easily annoyed when bothered over ridiculers things. Now get over here, or so help you I will come to you.”

“You're annoying.” I grinned.

“Tell me something I don’t know…now backside here before I climb out of this bed and chase it.”


I had no idea how long I had been resting by his side as he read a book. Just the sound of his voice hypnotised me sending me into a whirlwind of lust. There was something special about him, a side I liked very much. My heart pined for him, and my tummy suffered with severe butterflies. If I could, I would jump on top of him and make love, his touch soothed me and gave me all I desired.

His eyes becoming heavy and he started to make mistakes. I lifted from his chest and gazed into his heavy eyes.

How cute was he nodding off?

“Antonio, get some rest and I will come back later.”
