Page 51 of Solace

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We arrived at my bedroom door where he opened it and keeping a firm hold of my wrist, he spun me around and pinned me against the wall. His body pressed firmly against mine, keeping me in a tight position, not giving me any movement at all. I tried fighting him with my free hand only he damn well grabbed that. He was far too strong for me. This was where I feared he would rape me.

“Get off me,” I called out. I was shaking, petrified of what he would do to me. I had already seen him shoot a man and that meant to me he showed no remorse. Scared, for my own well-being, I tried to fight him, only he took hold of my left boob, squeezing it tight.

“Come on Daniella, stop fighting me.”

I felt his stiff dick pressing against my inner thigh. My tummy curdled.

“Please stop,” I cried as tears ran down my cheeks. I could not take this. My body pressed hard to the wall not giving me any movement. He licked my cheek, followed by planting his lips on mine.

I tried to stop him from kissing me. I hated him. I wanted him off me.

His hand gripping my breast. “I bet your fucking nipple is erect wanting my mouth around it.”

“Get off…Get off. I don’t want this,” I yelled out.

“Stop fighting me and allow me to be your man. Let my dick go inside you,” he growled.

“Get off.”

His hand slipped down my body and with his thigh he parted my legs. His hand moved down.

“Please don’t…don’t do this,” I begged for one last hope for him to see sense.

“Daniella, I will not hurt you. I will take good care of you. I want to own you…be mine and no one else is allowed to touch you,” he said, gritting his teeth.

I turned my head as he licked my cheek again, I felt sick to the core.

His hand trailed down between my legs and now I was close to being violated.

His phone sounded, giving me a lease of life.

“For fuck's sake.” He reached inside his pocket and pulled out his phone seeing who was calling. “You are saved, but I will be back…”

Curled up on the shower floor sobbing as I thought about that moment and how I had to lock myself away in my room. My life had turned into a waste of space, fearing that man coming within an inch of me.

My head was in my knees, rocking back and forth. The number of times he tried to get me, only I had learned a massive lesson, to wear trousers, jeans to make it harder for him to touch me again. I had to protect myself as papa he didn’t care if anything he told me to give in and have sex with him.

Chapter 26


Making my way back to our bedroom; I just hoped this time Layla was up for talking to me as this was getting silly. How could I help if she didn’t talk to me? I might know when someone was pulling the wool over my eyes, but mind reading was never something I had managed to learn.

Stood outside our room, I stopped and rolled my tongue over my teeth before thinking about entering. I had doubts if me entering that room was good or bad. I had turned into a pussy when it came down to Layla.

I placed my hand on the door handle and pushed it down to enter the room, to find her sitting in a chair at the far side of the room close to the double doors, out onto the balcony.

“Layla,” I said, not wishing to make her jump.

She faced me, she glared and looked back out the doors. I made my way over to her, I had to get answers. I had to understand what happened when I held the gun to Monica’s head, close to my girl. I turned to the chair opposite her and moved it a little closer, but not to close not wishing to crowd her, but give her space. I sat down, our knees touched slightly. She wore one of my T-shirts and more than likely a pair of my trunks, her hair was wet, clumped together in places, clearly, she’d taken a shower and not dried her hair.

“Look I don’t wish to pressure you, that is the last thing I want to do, but in order for me to understand what you have been through you need to tell me. I care so much about you, hell harming you is never on my cards. If someone in your past has harmed you, I will hunt them down.” I told her to reassure her.

“Why does everything need to end up in violence?” She said as she searched my eyes.

“They’ve hurt you.”

“And what if it’s something I witnessed?” she snarled and turned back to look out the window.
