Page 75 of Solace

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“Undies?” I asked.

“It would help,” she winked.

Ricco was stood to my right waiting for her to do what she had to.

“Why my dick?”

“Because you used it in me, I was saving myself for the right man,” she answered.

“Oh, I see and because it has been where it shouldn’t be my punishment is for you to hack it off and allow me to bleed to death?” I said matter-of-factly.

“You’re clever Mr Conti,” she answered.

“How close would you like to get to my cock, Ricco?” I asked as he looked full of curiosity keeping the gun on me.

“Fuck you and stop stalling, drop your undies, and allow her to get on with it. I prefer to keep my cock, but then maybe for you Conti you are a harder man and you could live without yours.”

“Oh trust me, once he goes, I will die in sorrow, especially if I don’t get to fuck my princess again.”

“Meaning what exactly?” Ricco asked unsure.

“Oh, you know, aren’t you going to give a man his last wish before chopping him off?” I asked her momentarily.

Daniella moved closer to me.

“Hey, ease up, not too close. I need to see everything,” Ricco said as I was under his pathetic eye. I had a sense of what was going to happen here and getting Ricco in the wrong sense was exactly what this was about. He was fooled and had no idea we were acting.

“You want to see his dick? Get a magnifying glass out,” Daniella asked.

“Is he that small?” Ricco bellowed.

His gun was pointing directly at me and so were the two men behind me, I had to fucking think and fast. This was seconds and reactions. The adrenaline kicked in and I was ready to spray blood. I hoped this went right as I had my girl to think about here and no harm must come to her, let alone witness more horror. She had been through enough without this shit and I had to protect her.

Daniella moved closer to my left side, to the point we were brushing together. She handed me the knife and in one swoop, I ducked her down as I switched hands and sliced Ricco’s throat open as the gun went off. Blood sprayed out of his throat as I dropped down to pick his gun up and shoot the two men behind me. All three bodies were on the ground being covered in their own vile blood. Daniella screamed and without hesitation, it dawned on me a gun went off; had she been hit?

I spun around to find her curled up in a ball…fuck no…please no.

Moving swiftly to her side and wrapped my arms around her tightly.

“Daniella are you okay, answer me,” I said in a panic.

She sobbed, this was exactly what I was afraid of, and the house was full of dead bodies.

“Antonio, is she okay?” I heard a female voice and lifted my head to see Monica.

“Where the fuck were you?”

“I was…I am so sorry.” I had no time for her, she I could deal with later. What mattered was my girl.

“Daniella, answer me.” I looked for blood running from her but nothing.

She huddled into my body, wrapping herself into me. I sat down and pulled her onto my lap to give her all the security she wanted. I cradled her rocking her back and forth, kissing the top of her head, giving her the sanctum, she needed. I was here and going nowhere. I let her fucking down earlier and this was the consequence.

“Boss, are either of you hurt?” Carlo cried out.

“Daniella did that bullet hit you?” I asked. Her head remained buried in my chest.

“Clear this shit up. I need to get her away from here…”
