Page 8 of Solace

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“Boss, I’ve done what you told me, I interrogated her, and used the knife and a few other instruments to show her our capabilities but still, she tells us the same story, never deviating from it. She even said she felt safe here as she hadn’t slept in days due to worrying about being caught by the man she spoke of. Personally, I believe her,” he whispered.

I spun to look at her with her, she was still clearly fighting trying to stay awake. As I walked over her eyes fell and her head had dropped, she had fallen asleep. I glanced at my men wondering what I should do next, taking into consideration what Carlo just told me. I crouched down and placed my fourth finger under her chin forcing her to lift her head, but she didn’t wake, I let go and her head fell forward.

“Call Monica,” I told Carlo.

He left the basement to make the call and it wasn’t long until Monica arrived, I moved over to her, only she ignored me and went straight over to Layla. “Your trespasser I assume… I guess she is shattered, and you need me to keep the little bitch awake?” she said as I arrived by her side.

“Yes, Carlo said she is giving the same story over and over again and he believes her,” I explained.

“Bucket of cold water please,” Monica said as she tilted her head to the side, and snapped her fingers and off Luigi went.

As we waited, I filled her in on the story that Layla had given so far.

“For someone, who has been on the streets she’s terribly clean, her hair looks pretty clean apart from the twigs that are entangled in it and her nails… well I would hardly say they were a scrubber's fingers,” Monica explained as she picked up Layla’s hand to show me.

“So, you think she is lying?” I asked her.

“Oh yes!” she stated excitedly as Luigi arrived back with a bucket of cold water.

“I will stand over at the back,” I told her, and she just stared at me.

“Do what the hell you wish. How rough can I be?”

“Enough to shit her up, but don’t mark her,” I said sternly.

“Oh, fucking great. I prefer blood.”

“Not this one. Not yet!” I stated as I moved to the other side of the room, it was then I heard the water being thrown over Layla and an ear penetrating scream.

“Holy shit...oh, my fucking God,” she yelled as she looked up at Monica.

“Now I have your attention little bitch, I have some questions and you’re going to answer them truthfully this time whore… Do You Understand?” Monica told her as she gritted her teeth and moved closer to Layla, you could visibly see the shiver roll over Layla’s body.

“Whatever, dog breath…” barked Layla.

Luigi and Carlo burst out laughing at this and I had to admit I sniggered a little.

Monica glared over at us as I held my hands up not needing her anger directed at me, her tongue wasn’t sweet enough at the best of times, it was only good around my cock.

“So little bitch… how the fuck did you get in here?”

“I’m freezing.”

“Good, not the answer I wanted, let’s try again, answer my goddamn question or I’ll ask Luigi for more water but with ice this time…”

“Wow, who rattled your cage, do you always act like a wild animal?” Layla taunted.

“I’m going to tell you this once or it will get a lot worse than water being thrown over you,” Monica screamed as she got in Layla’s face.

“I climbed in a parked car and was driven here… I tried to escape, but got caught… The end,” Layla sneered back.

“So, you're telling me, you climbed into one of our vehicles and ended up here?”

“Yeah, do you need me to write it down for you?” came Layla’s reply.

“Oh, you have an attitude, don’t you? Who were you running from?”

“A dickhead who threatened to rape me, kidnap me…”
