Page 114 of Find Me on the Ice

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He thrusts back into me, finding that faster pace again. I’m not going to last another thirty seconds like this.

“Fuck, Cam,” I whine into the mattress. “I’m going to—”

“Wait for me. Tighten your core,” he instructs, and I listen, tensing my ab muscles.

It doesn’t ease the overwhelming sensations, but it slows down the inevitable orgasm.

He pulls out, flips me over, and picks me up, wrapping my legs around his waist. He slides back into me and bounces me against his cock, his hands finding my hips as my arms wrap around his neck and shoulders.

I hold on tight as he plunges into me over and over, slamming my hips down onto his.

“Fuck, baby, open your eyes,” he demands.

I didn’t even realize that they had drifted shut. Opening them, I clench around his dick, feeling hopeless in trying not to finish.

The look of unadulterated desire and love shining in his eyes sends me right to the edge, and with his breathy plea, “Come on my cock again, Little Dove,” I explode with body-shaking pleasure.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Cam growls as he slams my hips down once more.

I am the luckiest girl in the world for many reasons. But being fucked by Cam has got to be on top of that list.



Six Months Later

“Have a good day, Morgan!” my boss shouts to me as I smile and wave and walk out.

I thought working at Starbucks would at least fill the coffee-shop void of moving to New York. But I was so wrong. It’s mass chaos, always.

After the case with Trey was put to rest, Chloe and I decided we needed a change. She confessed that she had only stayed in Minnesota for me and was happy to move anywhere else. It wasn’t hard for me to pick a place, considering where a certain hockey player lives.

It was also a plus for Chloe because her dad’s business partner also lives in New York. Now, they can see each other more often. They are still sneaking around and haven’t told her dad yet, which is bound to blow up in their faces if he finds out.

I let Chloe take charge of finding a place. After all, it was her account that would be primarily funding the new place. And I like to think I won’t be living there forever.

We sold the shop, and I gave Chloe every penny. I built a little savings nest egg from running the shop, and that will carry me for the time being.

We moved into this beautiful four-bedroom and three-bathroom home. I insisted it was way too large, but Chloe, the businesswoman, said that she’d turn it into a rental when we eventually moved out.

I have spent one night there in the five months we’ve been here. I would stay there more, but Cam holds me hostage every night at his place. I don’t really have a choice in the matter, although I don’t put up much of a fight.

It’s been amazing, practically living with Cam.

After moving here, I didn’t miss a game. I’d sit ice-side, cheering him on at every game. But now that they are in the off-season, there are no games for me to go to, although I have stopped in for a practice or two.

I usually sit with Jack and Laura. Watching Alec skate over to Jack whenever he can melts my heart. It makes me want a little Costello to bring to the games.

Alec and Laura’s wedding is tomorrow, and I just know it is going to make me cry. The love they have for one another is so pure, and you can see what they mean to each other. I hope people think the same thing when they look at Cam and me.

My heart flutters when I see Cam leaning against his car with red roses in his hand.

“Good afternoon, beautiful. How was work?” he asks, handing me the flowers.

I happily take them. “As fun as it always is. How was practice?”

“Eh. Come on. I’ve got a surprise for you,” he says, tapping his fingers on the hood of his car.
