Page 19 of Find Me on the Ice

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A string of thank you and you too flows from their lips as they turn to leave with their coffees in hand.

Grabbing the dirty dishes, I quickly bring them to the sink to rinse them out. The hot water stings at first, but it quickly subsides. Right as I grab the first stir stick, the bell chimes again at the front.

As I quickly scrub the stick with my back facing my new guests, I call out, “I’ll be right with you guys!”

The mumbles coming from behind me sound vaguely familiar. A shiver runs down my spine, and the back of my neck burns—the same feeling I felt only nights ago. When one particular blue-eyed boy broke down every barrier I had.

Laura’s and Jack’s voices are almost nostalgic to me. Right as I’m about to turn and greet them face-to-face, Chloe comes out of the back room directly to my left, and her eyes widen as she freezes in place.

She not-so-subtly glances at me. “Want me to get them?”

That confirms my suspicion tenfold. I’ll be a big girl and not let some little crush inhibit me from doing my job. Without a word, I shake my head.

I mean, let’s be honest here. I had a mask on, it was dark as hell in there, and I left like Cinderella. The amount of actual time we spent together was very minimal. I’m sure he has forgotten me altogether.

I take a deep breath before turning around.

My eyes stay glued to the floor and then on the countertop as they reach the counter to order. I know this defense will only last me another second before I have to look up.

“How have you been?” Laura asks with pure happiness in her voice.

Ugh. This is it. If he’s going to remember, it’s going to be now.

Slowly, I lift my eyes to meet hers, and I force them to stay there. My perfect smile forms on my lips as I say, “I’ve been really good. How are you? How has life been treating you?” My words fall from my lips of their own accord.

She can’t help the knowing gleam from shining in her eyes. Immediately, she glances at Cam. I know it’s him. I can see the raven tattoo in my peripheral vision.

Laura, can you be any less subtle?

She beams as she glances up to Alec, but I don’t follow her stare. Instead, my gaze moves to Jack, who I swear has grown a foot since I last saw him.

“Oh my gosh, Jack, you are going to be taller than me soon!”

He smiles and places his hands on the counter.

“What can we get for you?” Chloe asks as she joins me at my side, carefully brushing against my hip to show her support.

“I’ll have my usual—salted caramel cold brew. Chocolate milk for Jack. Alec?” Laura asks, and when she glances my way, her eyes reveal everything.

She totally knows that I know that this is the mystery guy from that night. She could have just left him in the damn car, but instead, she invited him into my shop and put him right in front of me.

Hopefully, with his drop-dead gorgeous looks, Blue Eyes comes with no brains.

“I’ll just have water, please,” Alec says, completely unaware of the real dynamic at play.

Moment of truth.

“And for y-you?” My word stutters as my eyes meet the mystery man.

Holy shit. I didn’t think that a mask could truly hide so much of someone’s face. I was very, very wrong.

Blue Eyes isn’t simply attractive. He doesn’t just take my breath away; he takes my fucking soul. Another man will never compare to the beauty in his features. His sharp jawline, high cheekbones, and beautiful, large eyes are irritatingly perfect.

Ugh, guys who look like that know it too. They know how to use their looks and wield it like a weapon. And Blue Eyes will be very wrong to underestimate me in any way.

It dawns on me that more than a brief second has passed while our eyes have been locked on to one another.

“I’ll take a black coffee, please.” Blue Eyes’s deep voice causes goose bumps to break out on the tops of my arms.
