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He pulls away and steps between Laura’s and my chairs. “I missed you too!”

“I like your shoes,” I tell him excitedly as I look down at his hot-pink tennis shoes.

He lifts his foot up to show them off. “Thanks!”

“Come on, Jack. Get in your seat. They’re about to bring food out,” Laura says, and he hustles over to his seat.

Biting the inside of my cheek, I can’t tear my gaze away from the centerpiece. I’m scared to look up and meet eyes with Reed. I’m barely hanging on as it is.

A ton of servers bring out a plate for each guest—a tasty and moist chicken breast, mashed potatoes, and asparagus. It is seriously good. Thankfully, everyone else agrees because the table remains silent as they devour their feast.

Once the plates are cleared, Anna gets back on the mic. “Thank you to the Nighthawks nutrition team for making such a delicious meal for everyone. We are going to start Abby’s favorite part of the party—mingling with each and every one of you as we open gifts! Up first, Reed.”

My heart plummets at the sound of his name.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Reed making his way over to Anna and Abby. Reed throws his arms around Abby and pulls her in for a hug.

His voice penetrates my heart like a thousand knives. “Firstly, I want to thank everyone for coming out and helping us celebrate Abby’s special day.” A short round of applause breaks out. “Happy birthday, Abby. I know you’ve been saying that you want to learn how to drive. Well, Mom and I talked and thought that this could be a perfect stepping stone.”

Turning my head, I fully look at Reed and see him outstretch his arm to the rink doors.

Oh my God.

The doors pull open and reveal a side-by-side vehicle as someone drives it onto the ice. But not just any basic model. This one is hot pink and glittery with the words Abby’s Dream Car on the side.

Abby screams in excitement and takes off for it with the world’s biggest smile. “Oh my gosh!”

Everyone laughs and cheers at her happiness. It’s contagious. Unfortunately for everyone else, I doubt their gift is going to come close to Reed’s, so hopefully, they have all accepted they aren’t winning the title of best gift.

My smile pulls at my lips as music continues to play in the background, and this moment really does feel like a fairy tale for Abby.

My gaze drifts back over to Reed, and the air is knocked from my lungs.

His eyes are locked on me. My smile falters, and I force my gaze to the floor. God, that look in his eyes, it was pure pain. It hurts so much more than I was prepared for. Like my heart is trying to claw its way out of my chest.

Breathing in the scent of the arena, I think I’m about to spiral out of control. I need to get out of here. Now.

“Desserts are set up in the back. Feel free to grab anything and everything!” Anna says into the mic. “I think the birthday girl might need a minute to take in her new present.”

Everyone laughs, and the crowd falls into muffled conversation. And that’s my cue.

“I’m not feeling well, guys. I’m going to head home early,” I announce to the table, not even aware I cut someone off while they were talking.

“Are you sure?” Laura asks, her hand immediately wrapping around mine.

Nodding, I say, “Yeah, I’m sure. I’m just going to hang back to say good-bye to Abby, then leave.”

Of course, I omit the part that includes waiting for Reed to walk away so I can go say good-bye. But I feel like she understands and reads between the lines.

Standing up, I push my chair in and grab the present I have for her. Spinning around, I drop Laura’s hand without a word and come face-to-face with Abby and Anna, whose smiles are taking over their faces—a striking difference to my own.

“Charlotte!” Abby shouts and runs into me, wrapping her arms tightly around my torso.

“Hi, Abby. Happy birthday!” I muster the most cheerful tone I can manage.

“Thank you!” she says and pulls away, her eyes instantly dropping to the gift bag. “Did you see my new car?”

“Umm, heck yes, I did! How cool is that?” I exclaim.
