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Still standing, I greet her with a warm hug, but I think I selfishly might need it more than she does.

“How are you doing?” she mumbles before she pulls away. “Any updates yet?”

Rubbing the back of my neck, I say, “No, they just took her back.”

She rubs my arms up and down while saying, “I’m sure everything will be just fine.”

“Yeah,” I sigh.

She sits to my right, opposite of Abby, and asks, “How has it been, being back together? Clearly, you both still love each other. How are you guys doing?”

Smiling because I can’t not smile when I think of Charlotte, I answer truthfully, “Better than ever really. We’re doing good.”

She pats my knee. “Good. That is exactly what I wanted to hear.”

When I glance at Abby, she is lost in her tablet, playing some game. I love my sister, but she is terrible at keeping secrets. An image of the custom ring I had made for Charlotte flashes in my mind.

Leaning over, I whisper to my mom, “I, uhh…I’m going to propose to her.”

She gasps, “Oh my gosh, Reed, that’s wonderful. When are you doing it?”

“I don’t know exactly. I’m kind of playing it by ear right now. With her surgery and then radiation, I want to plan it for the perfect time, and I don’t know what that looks like yet.”

“That’s amazing, sweetie.” She reaches over and hugs me from the side in our chairs.

I meant what I said to Charlotte that night. I’ve never had any doubt that she is going to be my wife. I just have to find the perfect moment to ask her. God, I can’t wait to marry her. I know the moment she walks down the aisle, I am going to be a blubbering mess. But I can’t help but feel everything so fucking intensely when it comes to Charlotte.



The last five weeks have been filled with an immense amount of rest, self-love, and medication as I recover from my surgery. I followed all of the doctor’s aftercare instructions. No lifting 5 or more pounds, no strenuous exercise, limited arm movements. Don’t push myself.

I didn’t realize how many little things I had to reevaluate, even riding or driving in a car. I got a seat belt pillow that protects my chest and softens the pressure. I had to change how I was sleeping, avoiding my usual position, laying on my stomach with a leg bent.

But I got through it, with the help of Reed, Laura, Josh, and my dad. And emotional support from Ella and Harper. I couldn’t have done it seamlessly without them. But as much as I have appreciated the constant waiting on me, I am excited for the few quiet hours I have had since Reed left for his game tonight.

Which leaves Hatty and me alone for some much-needed bonding time. He’s super timid, and Reed warned me thoroughly. It’s really sweet actually—the way he loves Hatty. I’ve never seen a prouder cat dad. It makes me excited at the idea of us having kids one day. He would make the best dad in the world. After seeing how he is with his new fur baby, I’m certain of it.

I think Hatty has more toys than I ever did as a kid. Every room has a cat tree or a bed, and toys are scattered over the entire house. On top of that, he has, like, a five-year supply of wet and dry food. I don’t know if he’s preparing for an apocalypse or what. But if the zombies attack, at least Hatty will be happily fed. Not Reed though because his fridge is atrociously low on everything. Yet another reason he will make a great dad—he’s selfless. I will just have to do the grocery shopping if we want to eat.

“Hattyyy,” I whisper-sing as I walk into our bedroom.

I’ve learned that Hatty loves to hang out under our bed. I haven’t seen him in a few hours, so this is the first place I’m going to check. A faint meow answers my call.

He’s pretty nervous about new people, but I think he might have warmed up faster to me than Reed. But I feel like most animals innately trust women more than men because, like, same here, kitty.

Hatty stealthily prances out from underneath our bed, stretching and yawning as he does.

“Good morning,” I coo in a baby voice.

Anyone who says they don’t talk to their pets in a baby voice is lying. You can’t help it. The same way you can’t help saying big yawn or big stretch to them.

It only took a few days for him to come around to me. Reed is still his number one human, but I am a very close second.

Crouching down, I stretch my hand out and wait. He lazily walks over and slowly brushes against my hand with his head while meowing softly.

“Hi, buddy. Ready to watch Dad’s game?” I ask him as if he can answer me.
