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“Extra salt and butter, please!” I shout at Josh, who’s in the kitchen, making us some popcorn.

He just got back from Duluth yesterday, and we are going to have a movie night together tonight, like we used to do all of the time.

“Yeah, yeah!” he calls back to me, laughing.

It feels so good to have Joshikins back.

He comes around the corner with two large bowls of popcorn and napkins.

“Ooh, yes, please!” I say and reach my hands out to take one of the bowls.

He happily hands me one and sits down next to me on the couch. I press play on the movie, and we get comfy underneath blankets and start digging into the buttery goodness in front of us.

“I missed you. I missed this,” I hum and rest my head on his shoulder.

He leans his head down on top of mine. “I missed you too, Char.”

Safe Haven starts playing on the TV, and we are hooked right away in the opening scene. The main character, Katie, is taking off, running barefoot in the rain to an old lady’s house. We get completely lost in the first half hour of the movie before either of us says anything.

“Can I tell you something, Char?” Josh says, and I definitely catch the slightly nervous tone in his voice.

Setting my bowl on the coffee table, I turn to him completely. “What’s up?”

He mimics my actions and sets his bowl on the table. He takes a shaky breath in and out. “I’m so anxious. Umm…”

I grab his hand and take it in mine. “You can tell me anything, Josh. You know that. I love you, no matter what.”

He squeezes my hand and cautiously meets my eyes. “I-I—God, I don’t know why this is so hard to say.” He pauses, and then his words fly out of his mouth. “I’m gay.”


“You scared me!” I lightly slap his arm, and he looks more confused than ever. “I know you’re gay, Josh. I’ve had a feeling that you were since we were, like, fifteen. I’m glad you feel comfortable enough to share it with me!” I throw my arms around him and pull him in tightly. “I love you.”

A sob bursts from him, and he leans into my touch. “I love you too.”

Laura and I have had an inkling about him being gay for years. But we never pushed him to tell us anything because that isn’t our place. We knew that if we were right, and when he was confident about it and wanted to share it with us, he would. I’m glad that time has finally come.

“God, it feels good to actually say it out loud,” he sighs, and I pull away from him to see the biggest smile on his face.

“Good. I’m proud of you. Did you tell your parents when you were home?” I ask, wondering if that’s why he planned a longer trip down there. I’m sure he had to work the nerve up to do it; his dad has always been a bit traditional.

He nods and says, “Yeah. They were a little surprised, I think, but they all said they loved me, and it doesn’t matter who I’m attracted to or love as long as I’m happy.”

My heart warms, and I lean into him, resting my head on his shoulder once again. “I’m glad. You deserve to be happy, Josh.”

“Thanks, Char,” he whispers and leans his head back on mine as we tune back into the movie playing in front of us.



This morning, we are going to meet up with Harper and Ella for her appointment, then grab some breakfast afterward. I can’t wait to give her the bracelet I made. Who knew a ten-dollar bracelet kit could bring so much joy to the world?

As we get in the car, my phone rings. “It’s Harper. I’ll let her know we are on the way.”

I answer cheerily, “Hello?”

She gasps and breathes heavily. “Charlotte.”
