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Ella once said that teddy bears protect you and make you feel safe. Reed is who I grab on to when I feel afraid or lost. He is who I turn to when I need support. He is who comforts me in moments of sadness and who I celebrate with in moments of happiness. Reed is my teddy bear. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.



“Are you excited for tonight?” Jensen asks with a shit-eating grin on his face.

“Are you kidding me? I might be more excited to show Charlotte off as my future wife than I am for a playoff game.” I chuckle.

A serious look strikes his face, and he smacks my shoulder. “Now, that’s too far.”

He breaks into laughter, and I join along with him.

“I’m sure, sooner or later, you’ll be getting down on one knee for a lucky girl.”

He scoffs and throws his head back. “Not if I can help it. I’m a free bird, Reed. I’m not ready to be tied down.”

Squinting at him, I say, “You don’t even really go out and meet girls anyway. I haven’t even heard you talk about hooking up with someone in a while. For God’s sake, your body count is, like, five. So, why exactly are you wanting to be single?”

He smacks me in the chest. “Hey, this conversation isn’t about me and my lack of a love life. This is about you.”

“Uh-huh,” I say, grabbing a puck that is sliding on the ice past us. “Who knows? Maybe future Mrs. JD will run right into you. Look at Cam. He wasn’t exactly the serious type until Morgan. Now, look at him.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. If my future wife smacks me in the face, then maybe I’ll pay attention.” He laughs.

“All right.” I chuckle. “Now, I just have to pay someone to slap you.”

“Not funny,” he says behind me as I skate away from him and toward the net with the puck on my twig.

Coach Carrington blows his whistle, and we all skate over to center ice, circling around him.

“Good practice today, guys. Keep hustling and digging in like that, and we are going to take the cup this season,” he says with pride.

God, I can’t imagine that feeling. The ultimate win in the hockey world. I can see it now. The buzzer going off, confetti shooting everywhere, and us dogpiling into each other before taking turns, lifting the famous silver cup in the air.

One day, that dream is going to come true. But for now, I’ll focus on the fairy tale I get to live every day. The one where I get to call my dream girl my future wife.

“Kos, take it away,” Coach says before stepping out of the circle.

Alec skates into the center with pride and his hands behind his back, which is immediately suspicious. He glances up at me, and I know something is going to happen.

“Tonight, we celebrate the engagement of our boy Goldy. We are so happy for you and for Charlotte. We can’t wait to get”—he looks over at Coach Carrington—“appropriately and safely drunk with you guys tonight.”

Carrington laughs, knowing that appropriately drunk to him and appropriately drunk to us are two different things.

“Bring it in, boys. Goldy on three. One. Two. Three. GOLDY!” he cheers, as does the entire team.

He pulls something from behind his back, shakes it, and by the time I figure out what it is, I realize it’s far too late for me to escape. He pops the cork and sprays us all with champagne, aiming specifically for my face.

My back is getting far wetter than it should, and I turn around to see Coach Carrington spraying me with a second bottle.

“You’re wrong for that!” I shout at him as he shakes the bottle and sprays other guys on the team.

This was not how I was expecting practice to end. But I’m thankful nonetheless. After some more fun on the ice, we disperse to the locker room to wash the now-sticky layer off of us. I feel bad for the equipment managers that are going to have to deal with all of the tacky gear. But they were also there when it happened, laughing and smiling with the rest of us.

Charlotte and my long-awaited engagement party is tonight, and I’m fucking stoked. Laura, Morgan, and Char have been planning it for a couple of months. It’ll be at this stunning venue that has a glass roof, like an elegant greenhouse. There will be delicious food. Good friends, family, and all of the important people in our lives.

It’s going to be perfect.

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