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“She doesn’t seem to have any other choice,” Light said, frowning. “I agree, it’s a bad situation, but we shouldn’t make Lilibet feel ashamed about what’s happening—or her reaction to the way the blooms are stimulating her.” He stroked Lili’s hair soothingly. “None of this is your fault, Lilibet,” he murmured, his silver eyes gentle. “Lean on us if you need to—Dark and I don’t mind.”

Dark didn’t look quite so certain—Lili had the feeling that he would have been much more comfortable with an enemy he could incinerate with his laser or pound with his enhanced arm. But there was nothing any of them could do about the sensu-blooms currently having their way with her.

Nothing but wait until it comes, whispered a little voice in her head and Lili knew it was right. She could feel her pleasure rising from the intense stimulation and now that Light had soothed her, she felt a little bit better about it. Also, it really helped to know that she wasn’t going to be implanted with alien eggs.

It’s going to be all right, she told herself. It’s all right Dark and Light are here with me and it will be over soon.

Actually, the bloom attending to her pussy was a lot like a toy she had back home—one end of it sucked on her clit and the other end had a thrusting vibrator. Lili thought she might have enjoyed the intense stimulation if she’d only been warned ahead of time. It was the element of surprise that had freaked her out so badly.

Pretend it’s the toy, she told herself. Just relax—the sooner it finishes the sooner this will be over.

“Close your eyes and lean on us,” Light told her. “Let Dark and I hold you between us, sweetheart. Everything is going to be okay.”

“Thank you.” Lili gave him a grateful look. Then she looked up at Dark. “Dark?” she asked, making his name a question.

The Dark Twin still looked uncertain, but when he saw her looking at him, he did his best to put a soothing look on his face.

“It’s all right, little Lili,” he rumbled, rubbing her back. “Light and I are here for you. Just relax.”

Feeling supported and soothed, Lili closed her eyes and tried to relax. Now that she wasn’t freaking out anymore and she had her guys on either side of her, she felt less resistant to the pleasure the blooms were giving her. As they sucked and tugged her nipples and lapped and fucked her pussy, she felt her pleasure rising.

And then the stem end of the bloom in her pussy thrust deep inside her and began to swell even bigger.

“Oh…oh!” Lilli gasped, writhing as her inner walls stretched to the very limit.

“What is it? What the fuck is it doing now?” Dark demanded, looking down at her anxiously.

“It…it’s getting even bigger! I think it’s going to…going to…”

And then suddenly there was a gush of liquid warmth deep inside her.

“Ahhh—it’s coming in me! I can feel it!” Lili moaned, throwing her head back.

Even as she spoke, all three of the red sensu-blooms suddenly shriveled up and dropped off of—and in the case of the one on her pussy—out of her. A gush of clear, slippery fluid like lube followed, wetting both her inner thighs thoroughly.

Lili nearly sobbed in relief to be free of the alien flowers.

“Oh my God, finally!” she gasped.

“About damn time!” Dark growled. He ground the shriveled blooms savagely beneath his boot heel, as though to be sure they couldn’t bother her again.

But when Lili looked at Light, she saw he had a worried frown on his face.

“Light? What is it?” she asked.

“It’s your nipples.” He nodded at her breasts, which were thrusting up perkily thanks to the float dots she wore.

Lili bit her lip in dismay when she saw that her nipples, which were still shiny with the blooms’ secretions, were swollen and dark red. As though they had been waiting for her to notice them, they started throbbing and aching. She dared to touch one sensitive peak with her fingertip and drew away quickly, as though she’d been burned when pain lanced through her.

“Ow!” she gasped. “That really hurts!”

“Well, f’loon did say there might be irritation,” Light reminded her.

“And they told us to lick the fucking flower juice off her too,” Dark pointed out.

“They did, but that’s up to Lilibet,” Light told him. He looked at her. “How do you feel about it, sweetheart? Do you need Dark and I to help you?”

Lili bit her lip. Should she let them do this? It was certainly further than she’d meant to go with the big warriors. But if she didn’t, what was she going to do? She couldn’t take a tour of the greatest art collection in the galaxy like this! She wouldn’t be able to concentrate with her red, achy nipples! Just the thought of the invisible fabric of her dress rubbing against them made her wince.
