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“Why? Don’t you like having the tables turned against you?”

“This gets out. You’ll fucking ruin me!” he snarls.

“Like you ruined me.” I retorted. Axton growls, the sound threatening as his aura slips out menacingly.

“I swear, if you have shown anyone these–”

“You’ll what? Get all growly, threaten me? Anything new, Axton? Because you’ve been that way since the day I met you. You have a sex tape of me. We’ve been there, finished that scandal already. The entire city saw it, so what are you going to do next? Hmm.”

“You do not want to go to war with me!” he snarls.

“You’re right, I don’t, but you have left me no choice. The only difference is, you have nothing else on me, but I have enough to ruin you. You fucking the head of the supernatural council’s wife isn’t the worst of it. Is that how you got away with everything? Did you blackmail her too? Or maybe it’s the fact your trucks have been running drugs across the borders for—” his hand clamps over my mouth and his head turns toward the door.

“Shut up, not here. Marco is out there!” He hisses at me and I almost burst out laughing. If only he knew the person behind his illegal operations was Marco! He may be by the book within the council, but his dealings outside his work are not as stellar as everyone believes. There is a reason Sondra and Floyd were never on anyone’s radar.

“Marco is the least of your problems, Axton. Same as the photos of you screwing Mrs. Xander. But just so you know, I have the sex tape too. If you threaten my pack again, I may just send it off to every news station in the state.”

“Don’t you fucking dare!” Axton snarls.

“Threaten my pack and I will end yours!” I tell him before shoving past him. I walk toward the door when he grabs my arm just as the door opens. Axton lets go and Osiris enters. He stops at the door, clearly not realizing he stepped into the middle of our argument.

“Everything alright?” he asks, hurrying toward the table. He grabs his wallet that he left behind and stuffs it in his suit jacket pocket.

“Yes, I was just leaving.” I tell him, quickly escaping Axton while I have the chance. Only the moment I step out, I walk into Alpha Cane, who is walking back into the conference room.

“Sorry,” he mutters, stepping aside, and I slip out the door. I move toward the entrance and almost groan when I see Eli step into my path. Marco, I could see through the glass doors, was leaving, pulling out of his parking spot. Fuck.

“Axton?” I ask as Eli approaches, and he nods once.

“We need to get out of here!” Lexa hisses at me, while my eyes scan the exits about to bypass Eli, just as Osiris and Cane come back out chatting together.

Before Eli reaches me, Osiris stops next to me and Eli backs off. I have no idea what he is playing at, but it is clear he wants to get under Axton’s skin. But right now, I am trying to escape the very same man, so I will willingly play along.

“Cane and I are about to head over to the casino for a drink. You should join us. Soyer and his mate are meeting us there.” Osiris states just as Axton stomps out of the conference room toward us. Seeing him getting closer out of the corner of my eye. I panic.

“Sure, what time?” I reply. He seems a little shocked that I agreed, but he does not know the ball and chain Axton is trying to lock on my damn ankle.

“Ah, we are headed there now. Can you walk with us?” Cane answers, motioning for me to follow. I do, only to have Lexa growl in my head.

“What are you doing?” she snaps at me.

“What I need to do, Axton looks like he is about to club me over the head caveman style and drag me back to his damn lair!” I retort, and she huffs, knowing I am right.

“One drink, then we leave.” I nod to her in agreement, but it works. Axton won’t cause a scene, and Eli knows better than to challenge an alpha in an attempt to stop me.

Slipping out the doors, I can feel Axton’s eyes boring into the back of me, and that feeling does not leave as he follows us across the road to the RSL Club.

“One drink, I gotta drive!” I tell Lexa, who seems antsy for some reason, as we enter the club and head for the bar. Alpha Cane, I noticed, is bubbly and not the typical alpha asshole I am used to. Alpha Osiris is more of an observer, he doesn’t speak much, but when he does, he is quite articulate and blunt.

“So is your mate/not mate, going to follow you everywhere?” He asks as the waiter hands me a glass of coke. I glance at Axton at the end of the bar, watching us, and he looks livid. Shit! Exactly how am I going to escape the city if he follows us like a damn shadow?

Unfortunately, I do not have time to answer his question when I see Axton sit up straighter just as my father shoves open the huge glass doors with a bang.

The door rattle draws everyone’s attention to him. Sucking in a breath, I turn to face the man who is on a warpath and headed straight toward me.

“Here we go again!” Lexa growls, annoyed in my head. Alpha Osiris moves to block him, which surprises me the most.

“Derrick.” Osiris growls threateningly.
