Page 24 of Entwined

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“So fucking tight,” he grunts, slamming into me to the hilt and pausing. His cock pulses, planting his cum as deep as possible. “Take my cum, Raven. I hope you love my blood-soaked cock as deep in you as I do.”

That filthy fucking mouth of his… It forces me into another orgasm, exactly the way he planned. My head tilts back as the unexpected pleasure takes over, making my blood boil with our passion. It’s so powerful, my vision sparkles before blackness washes over me.

Chapter 12


The garage door closes behind the SUV, hiding us from view of the quiet neighborhood we’re staying in. Nothing like hiding among unsuspecting regular run-of-the-mill families. It goes against everything we usually seek out, but that’s the point. TB wouldn’t expect us to go for something here.

I barely have my door open when the entrance to the house reveals Vander. His gaze sweeps over me, becoming comically wider. I’m able to watch the expressions crossing his vision.





Anger again…

“Where’s the body, Raven?” Vander growls. It reminds me of the time he thought I’d killed Grayson. Back when the tension between us was tighter than a rubber band and he was keeping me at arm’s length.

My mind also goes to the rules Ravenmaster gave me. The one that must have come specifically from him. Rule number six: Don’t leave a body behind to be found.

I smirk at him, knowing it’ll rile him up more.

Before either of us can say anything, another form fills the doorway. “Remi,” Grayson gasps my name. He rushes forward, elbowing Vander out of his way in his haste. He doesn’t realize what Vander did, that I’m not injured. No, Grayson only sees all the blood covering me. I’m sure I’m a damn mess with the way Cole painted my skin, not to mention how his hands threaded through my hair.

Grayson grips my arms, holding me in place as his gaze roams over me. Not finding anything obvious, he cups my cheeks, drawing me closer. His hands brush the sides of my face, trying in vain to tame my hair. “What happened? Are you okay?”

He’s suddenly shoved to the side, and the only thing I can see is a set of arms folded over a broad chest. Tilting my head back, I meet Vander’s angry gaze searing into me.

“Yes?” I ask, elongating the E. I know I’m taunting him, but I can’t help it. It’s who we are. And I find it too much fun to not do it.

He knows exactly what I’m doing, Vander is too smart not to. The question is whether he’s playing along too, living in the past of our tension that he refused to give into, or if he’s serious.

“I asked you a question, Reginetta. I expect an answer before I take it from you in a way you wouldn’t like.” His eyes flash with contained violence, but it doesn’t scare me off.

“Are you thinking of adding my blood to Cole’s artwork?” I taunt, biting my lip at the thought. He’s probably jealous he wasn’t the one who covered me in it. At the mention, his eyes move to where a heart is tattooed on me, the place he marked for cutting me.

A tremor runs through him, and he licks his lip. “No distracting me,” he barks, but there’s a raspy sound to it, telling me he’s not as unaffected as he wants me to think. Whether he shows it now or not, I know he’ll be taking a blade to me sooner rather than later. It’s been a while since he let himself out to play the way his darkness demands. “Where’s the fucking body, Remington?”

“Chill, man. You know I wouldn’t risk her getting caught,” Cole says, opening the back door to the vehicle. “Here’s your body. Have fun disposing it.”

Vander releases a harsh breath through his nose. It’s safe to say he’s fully exasperated with my psycho lover.

A creak sounds at the doorway, making me glance to the side. Jasper leans against the doorjamb, his arms crossed with a blank expression on his face. Before I get the chance to decipher his thoughts, Vander rips my shirt open.

I gape at my bodyguard turned boyfriend for a second—no matter how many times one of my men shows off his strength, I’ll forever be impressed when they rip perfectly stitched clothing. He takes advantage of my distraction and opens my pants, twists me so I’m facing away, and promptly strips me of my clothes. I unwittingly made it easier for him by not putting on any underclothes.

His fingers trail along my skin as I whip around, my hand cocked back, ready to smack him. Not that I don’t mind him manhandling me… but there’s a time and a place, neither of which is here and now. Not with his attitude.

I should’ve expected it, being Vander and all, but his hand snaps out, stopping me before I even get close.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I seethe.

“Making sure none of this blood is from you,” he snaps back, giving me the same energy I gave him. His hand tightens painfully around my wrist as I attempt to free it and finish what I started. The caveman could’ve fucking asked instead of manhandling me.
