Page 10 of Wanting His Girl

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Jake stands on the threshold, the charming smile that I've come to know so well gracing his features. He looks incredible, dressed in a way that's casual yet utterly deliberate like every piece he's wearing was chosen with care.

"Evening, gorgeous,” Jake says as he leans in to kiss me on the cheek. “Ready to go?”

"Ready," I echo, slipping my fingers into his outstretched hand.

As we turn to go, I catch the impish grins of Eliza and Willow from behind, their excited whispers fading into the background. This is it, the beginning of something new.

And I'm more than ready to dive in, headfirst.

"Are we there yet?" I giggle as I step forward cautiously through the darkness.

"Almost,” Jake replies. “Just keep your eyes closed.”

"Can I at least get a hint about where we’re going?"

He chuckles. “Just trust me, sweetheart. We’re almost there.”

Jake and I just finished dinner at the Chocolate Moose Cafe. Now, I'm walking through the grass with my hand, filled with anticipation for the surprise he's promised.

To be honest, the dinner was great even without this surprised. I could have talked to Jake for hours, lost in the conversation that flowed.

Suddenly, I feel Jake’s warm breath against my ear. "Open your eyes, baby.”

I lift my lids to a sky extravagantly sprinkled with stars. We're standing on the roof of the Fit Mountain observatory, and it’s as if we've been transported straight into the heart of the universe.

I gasp. "Oh my gosh! It's just like the painting!"

Jake grins and squeezes my hand. "At the gala, you said you had never been stargazing before. I thought, what better place to have dessert than under the stars?"

And then I see it, the dessert picnic laid out just a few feet away from where we stand.

A plush blanket is spread over the roof tiles with soft pillows scattered across it. A wicker basket sits open with champagne and chocolate-covered strawberries that glisten under the moonlight.

I turn to him, my heart overflowing with emotion. "It's perfect," I whisper. "Did you do all of this yourself?"

"Guilty as charged," he replies with a lopsided grin that somehow makes him even more handsome. "Wanted our first date to be as special as you are."

He leads me to the blanket, and we settle down amidst the cushions. As I lean back, I realize that Jake isn't just a retired baseball player or the owner of a local bar—he's a man who listens, who remembers, and who goes the distance to make me feel cherished.

Jake reaches into the basket, pulls out a bottle of chilled champagne, and pops the cork. He pours the bubbling drink into two glasses, handing me one with a smile. Then, he picks up a chocolate-covered strawberry and holds it out to me.

“So, is this your go-to move for first dates?" I tease as I take a bite. "The whole starry night dessert picnic?"

Jake leans in and murmurs, "No, baby. Just you.”

Then his lips find mine in a searing kiss.

I moan into his mouth, and he takes the opportunity to deepen the kiss. He threads his fingers through my hair while his mouth descends to my neck. I tilt my head to give him more access, lost in the sensation.

Every inch of skin he touches sparks with pleasure, and I can't help but press myself even closer to him, seeking more.

His hand slides to my waist, then lower, resting just at the curve of my hip. Our kisses grow more urgent, more intense, as though we're both starved for this connection, this crazy magnetic pull that's been simmering between us all evening.

"Tell me to stop," Jake growls against my skin as he finds a sensitive spot on my neck that makes my knees go weak.

"Never," I whisper, my voice barely audible as Jake's arms pull me closer.

Stopping is the last thing I want.
