Page 18 of Wanting His Girl

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It's a hit, an absolute hit—the art expo is bursting with life, color, and creativity, just like I always knew it would be.

As I sidestep a couple lost in each other’s eyes, I remember the conversation from earlier that still plays on a loop in my head.

Mr. Calloway, his usually stoic face animated with genuine enthusiasm, commending me on the concept. "Innovative," he had called it. "Groundbreaking for our small town." His words echo in my mind, bolstering my confidence.

I never thought that fresh out of college, I'd be creating waves in Cooper Hills. But here I am, sipping bubbly carbonation that tickles my tongue less than the fizzy elation bubbling inside me.

A laugh bubbles up from my throat as I spot Eliza and Willow navigating through the throng of art enthusiasts.

“Oh my gosh, Melanie!” Eliza calls out, her voice cutting through the hum of conversations and jazzy music that fills the air. She wraps me in one of her signature bear hugs, nearly lifting me off my feet.

"Girl, look at this place!" Willow chimes in, her eyes sparkling like the sequins on her boho-chic dress. "You've turned the bar into a masterpiece."

Their excitement sends a wave of pride cascading through my veins.

These two have seen me through late-night cram sessions and caffeine-fueled finals. They've been my cheerleaders since day one in Cooper Hills. To have them here, sharing in this slice of victory, it's like the cherry on top of an already perfect night.

"Thanks, guys," I manage to say, my heart swelling in my chest. "I couldn't have pulled it off without your pep talks and emergency chocolate supplies."

Eliza leans in, her voice a conspiratorial whisper over the clinking glasses and laughter. "You know, I've never seen Jake agree to change anything in this bar since he hung up his baseball cleats. He’s definitely in love with you.”

My breath catches at her words, the sounds of the expo fading into a distant buzz as her suggestion seeps into my thoughts.

Could Jake really be in love with me?

I gently shake my head, a blush creeping up my cheeks at the notion. Jake Andrews, Cooper Hills' most sought-after bachelor, with his rugged allure and infectious grin, in love with me?

He's the kind of man who could inspire local folklore, and I'm... well, I'm just Melanie Watts, fresh from university and still trying to find my footing in this town.

"Eliza," I reply with a chuckle, "Jake and I have only been together for a few weeks." But even as they escape my lips, they feel like an attempt to convince myself more than Eliza.

My relationship with Jake has been nothing short of incredible so far.

He's supportive and knows how to make me laugh until tears stream down my face. Not to mention our chemistry is off the charts.

There have been moments when I've caught him looking at me with such intensity that it felt like he was on the verge of saying those three little words.

But could he really be falling for me this quickly?

Eliza smirks knowingly at me before pointing out what everyone in town already knows: "Melanie, this is Fit Mountain - people here fall head over heels all the time."

I can't help but let out a nervous laugh. She might be right. After all, things do seem to move fast around here. A quiet part of me whispers that maybe she isn't wrong about Jake either.

"Maybe you're right," I murmur, barely audible, my gaze drifting across the room to where Jake is laughing with a group of guests. But I'm no longer just watching my secret crush turned new boyfriend. I'm seeing the man who might just hold my heart in his calloused hands.

"Girl, I know I'm right," Eliza says, nudging me playfully.

And for the first time tonight, I think she might just be onto something.

The last of the guests have finally trickled out of the Pitcher’s Brew, their laughter still echoing through the air as Jake locks the doors behind us.

"Come on, let's head up," Jake says, motioning towards the stairs that lead to his apartment above the bar. Normally, we would head back to his cabin in the woods, but we’re both so exhausted that neither of us feels like making the drive.

Jake's apartment door swings open, revealing the cozy interior. The living room is a mix of rustic charm and sports memorabilia. A worn-out leather couch faces a large flat-screen TV. Baseball trophies and framed photos line the wooden shelves.

“Baby, you really outdid yourself tonight,” Jake says as he sets a box down on the counter and walks over to me. “This whole thing was amazing."

I beam up at him as he pulls me into a hug. “It was amazing,” I agree. “Seeing the whole town there…it felt magical.”
