Page 15 of Brutal Lies

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I scoff. “She won’t be choosing you after you shared that slut with your dad.”

“What?” Wyatt asks. His mouth gapes opens as he stares across the room at Justin. He can’t comprehend that Justin fucked a slut when he had Astrid.

“Oh, you weren’t there,” Bryce speaks in a languid tone as if he can barely stay awake to tell the story. “We picked up some girl, and Ted nailed her ass in the back of the limo. It was a bit intense, so we waited in the parking lot. But Justin jumped in there.” Bryce meets Wyatt’s wide-eyed gaze. “You know Justin likes his sloppy seconds. Like father, like son.”

“The rotten apple doesn’t fall from the tree,” I laugh at my lightweight joke, and Bryce joins in, but Justin and Wyatt remain motionless.

Wyatt stares at Justin as if he wants to separate his soul from his body. There’s no warning, but there’s a sense that something is going to happen as the energy convulses in the stuffy room. Like a shot, Wyatt is out of his chair and grabbing Justin by the neck. Bryce and I both race to them and try to pry Wyatt off Justin. I’m not weak, and neither is Bryce, but Wyatt’s hands are stuck to Justin’s neck like glue. Wyatt is an athlete, and it takes both of us to tear him loose.

Justin gasps for air as he slumps down on the couch. His red face is sweaty as his eyes stare wildly at Wyatt, who we’ve pinned to the chair.

“Jesus, Wyatt, you could’ve killed him!” Bryce shouts in his face as if Wyatt had done that by accident. “What the fuck is your problem?”

“Why’d you do that to her, Justin?” growls Wyatt, as he catches his breath, “Why are you treating her so bad? She picked you, and you treat her like shit?”

“Get out. Out.” Getz leaps from his chair and barrels over to the door, throwing it open. “You want to fight? Well then you do it outside. I won’t be involved in any more of this shame and deceit than I have to be. And no, you may not use my debit card to buy your whores. Are you all mad?”

I scoff in fucking astonishment. If Getz had acted like that the first day Bryce mentioned the Pit, we wouldn’t have a mess on our hands today. We file out of his office, leaving books and objet d’art crap on the floor. Wyatt walks alone ahead of us while I walk with Bryce. Justin takes the rear. I wonder if they’re going to split when we get outside, but they don’t. Wyatt walks around Oberlin Hall and waits for us to join him where we can’t be seen. I glance over at Justin, and I’m surprised when he follows instead of tearing off to safety.

The second we’re alone, Wyatt starts up again with Justin. “You are a piece of shit for using Astrid.”

Justin presses his lips together, then replies, “Jealous is what you are.”

Wyatt steps forward, but I block him with my body. “Why are you so upset over a girl?” I ask him.

Wyatt steps back and collects his thoughts as he paces on the frozen grass. He’s wavering on answering my question or walking away from us once and for all. Bryce, Justin, and I stand at a distance from Wyatt, watching him wrestle with what to say. I know we’re thinking the same thing. When did we fall apart? It started before Astrid, the cracks in our unity, but with her around, the gaps widened. Anyone looking at us could see them. Ted would never have tried his bullshit, not even a year ago, but something happened to knock us off our pedestals. And like a greased pole, we can’t climb back on.

“I’m resentful that she picked these two wimps over me,” answers Wyatt as he comes to a stop. “How’s that for honesty? And the fact that you would jump in a car to share a slut with your dad. That makes it unbearable. I hope she knows what you are.”

Justin seems to have forgotten the choking that he only just survived when he replies, “You plan on telling her?”

Wyatt goes for him again and knocks him to the ground. Justin gets a few swings in, but nothing compared to what Wyatt can do. Wyatt pounds his fists into Justin’s stomach until I grab Wyatt with all my might and lean back. I’m struggling to pull him off, but I can’t get traction to move him. Gasping, I glare at Bryce, who observes with his head tilted to the side like he’s watching TV.

“Are you going to fucking help me?” I holler as Wyatt literally whips me from side to side, trying to get at Justin.

Bryce shrugs his shoulders. He grabs Justin by the collar of his coat and pulls him out from underneath us. Then Bryce drops him on the ground like an empty soda can. Justin moans, crossing his arms across his chest as he rolls on the ground. That boy needs to learn how to fight if he’s going to keep picking them.

I push Wyatt facedown on the ground, not letting him move. “We have to stick together, and that means you too, Wyatt.”

“I’m not sharing anything with that boy.” Wyatt’s voice is muffled by the ground. “I want nothing of his. Do you understand?”

We struggle as I try to hold him still, and when I least expect it, Wyatt flips me onto the ground like he’s skipping a stone. I land hard on my shoulder, hissing as I lie on my back with my shoulder in pain. Wyatt gets up, and I force myself to my knees, assuming he’s going for Justin, who’s stretched out on the lawn. I watch as Wyatt walks toward Justin, steps over his prone body, and walks away.

“Why the hell did you get into that car?” I shout at Justin.

Rolling over, Justin spits blood out onto the ground and wipes his mouth with his sleeve. He gives the evil eye without explaining himself. He crawls off the ground holding his stomach and limps off down the path to his studio.

For a second, Bryce frowns at the spit on the ground and then plops down cross-legged beside me. “I hardly blame Wyatt,” he says, “Justin and his father are filth.”

“I don’t want to talk about them anymore,” I groan, “So what’s the situation with you and Astrid? I thought you won the rose.”

“Why is it your business?” he asks.

“You had a chance, then Justin blew his, and Wyatt won’t take sloppy seconds…” I don’t finish the thought as I let him figure out who’s next on the list.

Bryce scowls as he picks at a blade of grass. “She wants nothing to do with you, you prick.”

I roll over onto my side to look at him. “And that should stop me? You don’t mind sharing? As long as it’s not your precious Charlotte. We stayed away from her, but Astrid’s not exactly black-tie material. How many receptions can you take her to? Have you thought about introducing her to your parents?”

Bryce’s shoulders stiffen under his coat as he stares off toward the campus.

I scoff. “I didn’t think so. We used to share everything from secrets to cash to homework. Why haven’t we shared a girl? She can’t come between us if everyone can have her. So, would you mind sharing her with a friend?”
