Page 53 of Brutal Lies

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It doesn’t take long for me to figure it out. My face must blush furiously because Charlotte bursts into laughter. She bends over as the sound fills the gallery, bouncing off the walls until it’s out in the hallway.

“I’m sorry,” she says, “I shouldn’t laugh. You rarely ask for explanations, and when you do, I laugh at you. Stonehaven boys compete to see who will marry you, and then they’ll let you decide.”

“I really don’t get that.”

“It’s like a peacock strutting up and down the path until the peafowl notices him,” she explains, “They’re strutting in front of you. They’ve been doing it all semester, and you’re only noticing now. Instead of fighting over you like savages, they’re trying to impress you so you’ll pick one. It’s really sweet. I wish they would’ve done that with me.”

I don’t mention to her that they might’ve if Bryce hadn’t scared them off. Charlotte would’ve been in my place, with the four boys chasing after her. “So what if Bryce doesn’t shape up and marry you?”

Charlotte shrugs her shoulders. “He doesn’t love me at all, so why should I be stuck with him?”

I watch her as she moves to the next painting. “What about Terri? Does he love you?”

She shrugs. “He seems more in awe of me than in love. I guess I’ll wait a little longer and see what happens. Maybe he will fall in love.”

“Who do you love?” I ask her.

Charlotte looks me dead in the eye. “I love me. And I won’t settle for a man who doesn’t place me on a pedestal.”

“And that’s how you think it should be?” I can’t hide how wrong I feel she is.

Charlotte checks her phone for the time. “It’s almost time for next period.” We walk slowly toward the door, with measured steps, as if she wants the conversation to continue. “Our father adored our mother until he didn’t,” she explains. “I never want to marry a man like our father. And Bryce reminds me of him. Terri is as far away as I can get. So, I’ll risk my love on him.”

We step outside into a gust of wind that blows into our faces. I lift my hand to block, but Charlotte turns her face away, not bothering to block it. My phone chimes, and I check the screen. Another twenty-five hundred has been deposit into my account. Charlotte’s phone chimes immediately after, and she checks it. Five thousand in her account. She looks at me as if she’s waiting for a comment.

I smile, “Looks like you’ve gotten the good daughter bonus.”

She laughs. “No offense, but I’m surprised you’re still here. I guess Dad’s patience is greater than his temper.” She frowns. “Lucky you.”

“But am I?” I feel uneasy as my gut sends a warning.

Charlotte’s face turns serious in an instant. “Astrid, he won’t just cut you off and kick you out. He’ll tear you to pieces until you no longer exist. Our father is a vindictive man, but no one knows where the skeletons are kept.”

“I might know of one,” I reply.

“Well, next time we might have to dig it up.” Charlotte flounces off toward class.

I hightail it across campus to mine. I slow down when I hear someone call my name. I spin around, and Professor Harmon approaches me. Smiling, I wait for her, eager to have an adult to talk to.

“I haven’t seen you in a while,” she says, “except in class.”

“I’ve got a lot going on,” I explain, matching her steps.

“The rumor mill has you linked to Justin Leister.” She smirks when I gawk at her. “The teachers love gossip as much as the students. Word has it you were walking hand in hand across campus.”

I nod. “He was having a rough time.”

“Poor kid,” she replies, “His father is a case study in abnormal psychology. A perfect topic for a thesis. But I’m not interested in him. How are you doing, kiddo?”

“It’s a long list of shit.” My head spins toward her, and I grimace. “Sorry.”

Professor Harmon blows it off with a shake of her head. “I’m not Rawlins. I’m not going to piss my Armani because someone expresses herself. Except do not say it in the classroom.” She smiles. “Want to talk soon?”

My voice cracks. “Yes. I need a sane person to talk to about Stonehaven.”

“In the meantime, let me say this.” She leans in. “You are in charge of your emotions and your body. Don’t let anyone guilt you into giving them more than you want to give. That person will never be thankful and will always expect more. Don’t fall into that trap. You’re too young to be stuck in a mind-fuck trap. Enjoy the selection while you can, and use a condom.”

“I’m on the pill,” I whisper.

She wags her finger. “Make them use a condom anyway. It’s the least they can do for us.”

Professor Harmon lifts her fist, and laughing, I bump it.
