Page 194 of Biker In My Bed

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“Friends,” Texas echoes, and it sounds like a curse coming from him.

The easy charm that usually plays about his lips is absent now, replaced by an edge as sharp as a knife’s blade.

“Ricky, why don’t you go find someone else to annoy?” I suggest, trying to keep my voice steady despite the tremor that threatens to betray my composure.

“Ah, there’s that fire,” Snake observes. “Careful, Tex. She might singe you with that temper.”

“Let them talk,” Texas says quietly, almost to himself.

His gaze never wavers from mine, promising safety in the midst of the brewing storm.

“Your white knight, huh?” Ricky sneers, nudging Snake with an elbow. “Doesn’t look so tough to me.”

“Looks can be deceiving,” Texas replies, the slow drawl of his voice belying the tension that coils in his frame.

I catch the subtle shift in his posture, the readiness that belies his calm exterior.

“Enough, Ricky,” I say, my fingers tightening on the edge of the bar. “Just leave it.”

“Sure thing, sweetheart,” he mocks, but his eyes dart to Texas, gauging, measuring.

The moment feels drawn out, a prelude to a clash, with the other barflies sensing the undercurrents swirling between us.

“Stay away from her,” Texas finally says, his voice low enough that only the three of us can hear.

“Or what?” Ricky challenges, though there’s uncertainty flickering in his eyes now.

“Or you’ll find out,” Texas answers simply.

And that’s all it takes. The tension snaps, leaving an uneasy peace hanging in its wake. Ricky and Snake retreat, their laughter hollow, lacking conviction.

My pulse slows, the fast pacing of my heart settling into a steady rhythm once more. As I meet Texas’s gaze again, I understand that this man is both haven and hurricane, and I am irrevocably drawn to the eye of his storm.

“Thank you.” There’s a softness there, reserved just for me, and it’s in this moment that I understand the depth of his commitment.

“Anytime,” he replies, and it isn’t just a response, it’s a pledge.

Mandy comes up beside me, and wraps an arm around my waist. “Why don’t you take the night off. Billy and I can close up. You deserve a night with your man.”

A blush creeps up my neck at her words. I cast a glance at Tex and he’s grinning.

“Let’s get you home, darlin’,” he says, and though the phrase is common, it holds a universe of meaning.

“Thank you,” I say to Mandy and close the gap between Tex and I.

He offers his arm, and I take it. As we step out into the cool night air, I realize with Texas by my side, I’m ready for whatever comes our way.



The door creaks open and a familiar shadow fills the frame. It’s Pete, who hasn’t graced this place with his presence for more moons than I can count. He ambles in like a storm rolling over the plains—silent but dense with intent. There’s something about him that’s different, though. The gray that speckles his thick beard isn’t just from age, it’s like each hair is a tally mark of troubles seen and overcome. His stocky frame, once an unmovable fixture behind this bar, now carries the weight of his world on its broad shoulders.

“Evenin’, Jane,” he rumbles, the words worn smooth from years of whiskey and smoky rooms. His brown eyes catch mine, those wise orbs glazed with a weariness that speaks of sleepless nights and long roads traveled.

“Welcome back, Pete,” I reply, offering him a smile.

I watch from the corner of my eye as Pete leans against the bar, arms folded, a silent sentinel. His gaze sweeps across the room, settling on Ricky and Snake who are leaning too close to my space, their voices a blend of honey and venom. Ricky’s smug smirk sends a shiver down my spine, while Snake’s dark eyes flicker with cruel amusement. The air between us crackles with tension, thick enough to choke on.
