Page 3 of Temp Defense

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They turned to come out, and she ducked back behind the wall that concealed the back steps. She kept her breathing calm, and the general commanded, “Pick them up, sergeant.”

She peeked around the edge of the wall and watched what was going on in the reinforced room. The backs of the general, researchers, and the lord of the manor were facing her, but between them, she watched the man in uniform walk into the inner chamber, looking at something on the walls. He seemed to make a decision and reached for an object.

There was a golden glow inside the unit, and then, as the man picked the object up, the light went red, and he started screaming.

She watched from her vantage point as the man turned red, then black, and then collapsed. The faint scent of scorched flesh drifted through the air.

One of the researchers gagged.

The red glare slowly faded, leaving the space looking normal.

The general cursed and muttered, “He said he was shadowborn.”

Lord Renith said, “There are different levels of it. Whatever his level, it wasn’t enough for the stones. In all recorded history, only my family ever wielded them, and that was over six hundred yearsago.”

The general growled. “What do you mean, wielded?”

“Wore and used against the shadows.” His lordship repeated the words like he had been taught to recite them.

Haley pressed her hand to her vest pocket, and light flared wildly. She clamped her hand onto the pocket, and the light got worse. She tried to slap it out, but feet appeared in front of her, and she looked up slowly.

The general grabbed her by the scruff of her neck and hauled her out. He shook her like a rag. “What are you doing here?”

She waited until he stopped shaking her. “I found something in the files that belongs to the research department. I wanted to bring it and the file so they would have it.”

The general shook her. “What!”

She pulled the bracelet out of her pocket and held it tight as she swayed. “This. Take it.”

He dropped her on her ass. All four men stepped back while she held out the glowing stones that were sparkling with a happy rainbow hue.

She looked around and held up the file still clutched in her left hand. “Here is the research file. It shouldn’t have been in the box.”

Lord Renith looked at her. “Can you clench your fist around the bracelet?”

She made a fist, and a bright and cheerful light swirled inside the lab area.

The general looked like he wanted to grab her, but the light reminded him it might not be a great idea. “Get into the lab.”

She paused. “That isn’t in my contract.”

He pulled his weapon and aimed it at her. “I don’t give a fuck.”

Lord Renith calmly stepped between them. “You don’t want to do that, General. If she feels threatened, the energy might seek out the cause, and that would be bad for you.”

The gun was lowered.

Lord Renith turned to her. “Haley, right? I like your vest.”

She nodded and smiled weakly. “Thanks.”

“You have an exciting opportunity to join in global defense. You are the only person who isn’t a member of my family to handle the stones without suffering injury. I can do it, but they don’t react to me. Will you help us?”

She cocked her head. “Can I get overtime?”

He smiled. “Definitely.”

She held the bracelet up to him. “Here. This is yours.”
