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“This isn’t just about Viper anymore,” he said, his voice softer, but the underlying tension remained. “We’re in this together, and that means sharing the good, the bad, and the ugly.”

Feeling the truth behind his words, I nodded. “You’re right,” I conceded, staring up at him. “From now on, no more secrets. We face this together, as equals.”

The night around us was still, the only sounds the distant murmur of the clubhouse and the soft rustle of the wind. In that moment, the path forward was clear, marked by honesty and the unyielding bond we shared. Together, we would face the ghosts of my past, united against whatever storm was coming our way.

“I have to go back in and talk to Rage,” I said.

“I’m waiting for you and you’re coming home with me,” Riptide said. “I’m not leaving you here tonight. It’s far too dangerous.”

“But we can’t. You heard Rage.”

“I don’t give a fuck,” he said, making a decision. “I’m taking you home with me. We’ll deal with the fallout later.”

Chapter 15


The night was heavy, a dense blanket of darkness, as we killed our engines outside the Lair. Star rolling up solo on her sister’s Harley to my pad was risky business, a bold move that screamed defiance to my crew. A Heelz bike out front was like a red flag, pushing the danger level way past what we’d ever risked before.

Until now, Star was just another face on the back of my ride, but stepping into my turf on her own? That was a game changer. Sure, I was the prez of the Slayers, but that didn’t stop the eyes drilling into me, tracking my every damn move. Yet, something about Brat made me ditch the rulebook.

Her gaze held a question, a silent plea for confirmation that we were on the same crazy page. I gave her the nod. Without flinching, Brat strutted past my brothers, her every step up those stairs screaming defiance, the kind that had me hooked on her. The door to my joint shut with a soft click, laughably normal against the wild beat of my heart. My space, usually a refuge from club chaos, now hosted the very symbol of our reckless defiance. And this time, we were all in, no holding back.

We barely had time to process this madness when a knock hit the door. It wasn’t friendly. It was urgent, like a command. My stomach knotted up. I recognized that knock. My brothers were on the other side, my own men, about to throw down the gauntlet.

Cracking the door open, I faced the stone-cold looks of my top guys. Their gazes shot past me, zeroing in on Brat, and their silent message was loud and clear. I’d crossed a line, dragging a Heel right into the heart of our territory.

Bull, my VP, broke the silence, his tone a mix of disbelief and accusation. “Riptide, what’s this shit? You know the damn rules. No rival colors in our house.”

I stepped up, blocking their view of Brat, my stance screaming ‘back off.’ “She’s here ‘cause it’s about club shit that could benefit us. I’ll fill you in at the meeting tomorrow.” It was a shaky cover, but I laid it down with all the prez authority I had.

We had a standoff right there in my hallway. A silent battle of wills. I saw the conflict in their eyes, the loyalty they had for me clashing with their ingrained prejudices and the rules that had always governed our existence. I could see the turmoil in their faces as they were torn between their respect for me and the hardcore codes we lived by.

Finally, Bull nodded, the motion stiff. “Your call, President. But remember what’s at stake.” It wasn’t an approval, but it was a concession, a sign of respect for my position, if not for my actions.

When they backed off, leaving with the door shutting solid, a heavy kind of peace filled the room. I faced Brat, fully aware of the chaos I’d just invited. “You know you’re kickin’ up a shitstorm by being here,” I said, my tone raw, but the grin on my face betraying how I really felt.

Brat locked eyes with me, those emerald irises burning with something fierce. “Wasn’t looking to make waves for you, Hudson.”

Hearing my birth name from her hit different, stripping away the club president facade, reminding me of the man underneath the club colors.

“We’re neck-deep in more than just club shit,” I admitted. My spot at the top might be hanging by a thread, but right then, it was about me and her. “We need to sort through this mess. You and me, together.”

Right then, the outside world just faded out. No more club rivalries, no brewing battles. It was just us, and this raw, explosive thing we had going. Despite having her close all night, my craving for her hadn’t dimmed. I closed in on her, hands landing on her waist to pull her close. She didn’t push back. Instead, her arms looped around my neck, her head tilting back, eyes locked on mine.

I crushed my lips to hers. No words needed, pouring every bit of the storm inside us into that kiss. It was raw and tender all at once, like it was pulling all our rage, frustration, and heat into this one moment. Our emotions crashed together, reflecting the wild ride of our lives.

Brat met me halfway, her fingers winding through my hair, dragging me deeper into the madness of our kiss. Time warped, the world faded, and right there, it was just us, everything else be damned.

Pulling back, gasping for air, I leaned in close, our foreheads touching. “We’re playing with fire,” I said low, the reality of our shitstorm not lost on me, especially with my club on high alert now that she was in my space.

She breathed out, her voice a soft echo of mine, “I know, but damn, it just feels so right.”

And it did. In the eye of the storm, with secrets and risks piling up, what we had felt like the one solid thing in a sea of chaos. Crazy, sure, but it was our brand of crazy, and we were all in.

Our bodies meshed, moving in a rhythm set by pure instinct and raw desire. Every touch, every kiss between us was a defiance, screaming that no matter the shitstorm outside, we were each other’s.

Forget the world trying to tear us apart. Here in my pad, we called the shots, setting our own damn rules.
