Page 66 of Balancing Act

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The clink of glassware and the low hum of conversation filled the space as I worked the room, trying my best to play the part of a gracious host. With a steady hand, I poured a bourbon for my cousin Damon and handed it to him with a nod.

“Try not to scare anyone off with that scowl of yours,” I told him, my words laced with a dry chuckle.

“Oh that’s rich, coming from you. But I can't promise anything,” he grumbled.

Sutton, Damon’s sister and the owner of the Campfire Bakery, perched on a barstool, holding out her glass for a refill. “And what about me?” she asked, her tone playful.

“Keep bringin’ me dessert and I’ll keep fillin’ your glass, “ I teased, pouring some Cabernet in her glass before moving on.

“Mama, what can I get you to drink?”

She beamed at me, her eyes threatening tears, which had me rolling mine.

“Mama, calm down, it’s just a drink.”

“I’m just so proud of you.” She brushed imaginary dirt off my shoulders and patted them. “You seem happy. You’re thriving. It’s all I’ve ever wanted for you.”

I appreciated the sentiment, but didn’t want to encourage her waterworks, so I just smiled and kissed her cheek.

“Hey, where’s Walker, anyway? I thought he’d be here by now.”

“He texted to say he couldn’t make it. You can bet I called him to get a proper answer as to why, seein’ as this is a big deal and all, but he did not answer.”

I grunted.

“He’ll answer to me tomorrow, you can be sure of that.”

I laughed, sure as the day is long, he’d be getting an earful from Sharon Anderson. I poured her a glass of wine and left her with Mitch, who was all too excited to relive the old days.

Eryn stood by the fireplace, her long curls wild, her amber eyes alight with the warm glow of the flames. She looked like a bohemian goddess and I wanted to claim her as mine. I sauntered over, offering her a choice between red and white.

“Red, please. It's bold, just like you,” she said, accepting the glass with a smile that sent a jolt straight through me.

“Let's hope it doesn't leave as bitter an aftertaste,” I quipped, earning a soft laugh from her.

“Gray, be nice,” a voice chided from behind me, and I turned to see Gran approaching, her lithe frame belying her age. She wore a pinstripe trousers with suspenders. It wouldn’t make sense on anyone else, but Gran made it work.

“Gran, you're lookin' sharp,” I complimented her. She always had a way of dressing up without losing her personal style—a skill Eryn seemed to share.

“Thank you, dear,” Gran replied before turning to Eryn. “Now, let me tell you about the time I danced under the bright lights of New York City . . .”

I watched as Eryn listened intently, her face a canvas of fascination. Gran spun tales of her youth with the charisma of a born storyteller, and I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride in my chest.

“Then, one day, this cowboy walked into the theater,” Gran continued, her eyes misting over with nostalgia. “He was all boots and confidence, and well, the rest is history.”

“Sounds like a fairytale,” Eryn murmured, her gaze drifting to meet mine.

“Life's full of 'em if you know where to look,” I found myself saying, surprising even myself with the tenderness in my voice.

Gran’s eyes pivoted between us, a knowing smirk appearing on her wrinkled face. “Oh, life sure is full of them.”

* * *

The laughter around the dinner table was surprisingly welcome. I’d forgotten how nice it was to be surrounded by people who cared about you. The conversation flowed, and Gran held center court, weaving tales of mischief and what Red Downs was like in the old days.

Eryn's laugh got me feelin’ some type of way. Every time it reached my ears, I couldn't help but steal a glance her way, and each time our eyes met, there was a spark. I had to reel myself in from touching her under the table.

“Gray, can you please pass the potatoes?” Eryn asked, her amber eyes dancing with that ever-present light of hers. I obliged, brushing her hand with mine as I handed over the bowl, a jolt of electricity shooting straight to my heart—and if I’m being honest, my dick. She smiled, a silent thank you, and for a brief moment, everything else faded away.
