Page 93 of Balancing Act

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“Sunshine Acres is gonna benefit so much from your touch, Eryn,” I said, feeling the weight of pride for her accomplishments settle warmly in my gut. “The community—hell, everyone’s talkin’ about what you’re doin’. You've brought something real good to this place.”

“Thank you, Gray,” she replied, her smile genuine. “That means a lot coming from you, since you tried to fight me on it at every turn,” she said with a coy smirk.

“I’m never gonna live that down, am I?”


We brought our horses to a stop and dismounted, securing them to a tree by the water so they could drink.

“I’ll set up the tent,” I said, trying my best to appear casual and not at all like I was losing my mind. Which I practically was.

“Okay. I’ll get a fire going.”

“Damn, that’s sexy, princess.”

She laughed, but I was serious. Watching Eryn take to life in Montana was a beautiful thing. She was magical. Truly the kinda woman who could do anything. I saw her photos online, I watched her on the occasional TV interview she did, I saw her interact with fans and followers. She was poised and graceful and kind. But she was so much more than that.

She’d taken to business like she’d been meant for it all along. She taught her yoga classes like she’d come out the womb practicin’. She even took up gardening to learn how to keep the gardens at Sunshine Acres pristine all on her own.

But beyond that, she’d made herself a true home here. Not just with me, but with the whole town. With the land itself. I was pretty sure there wasn’t anything my woman couldn’t do. And my hope was that I’d get to be by her side forever, watchin’ her do it all.

After we’d both done our tasks, I led her to the rocks by the falls so we could watch the sliver of sunset visible through the trees. It was too cold yet to go swimmin’ but I didn’t want to wait another damn moment.

The mist from the waterfall enveloped us, fine droplets catching on Eryn's lashes like diamonds in the sun. She tilted her head back, laughing into the sky, and I couldn't help but think life had never been this vivid before her.

“Gray?” Her voice snapped me back to the now, her amber eyes finding mine with an ease that said she was home. “You look weird. What’s up?”

“Princess, you know I'm not much for words,” I started, my voice a low rumble against the thunder of the falls. “But I've got something I need to say.” I shifted to face her, scooting closer, the earthy scent of wet foliage mixing with her sweeter one. It was intoxicating, grounding.

“Before you came into my life, it was like I was walking through a storm, always bracing against the wind.” My hands, rough and calloused, found hers, soft yet steady. “You're like the sunshine after that storm, Eryn. You don’t just light up a room, you light up my whole damn world. I didn't know how you could fit into this life. But it turns out, you’re made for it. You’re the missing piece. The sunshine to my darkness. The balance that I need.”

Her lips parted slightly, those eyes of molten honey wide with a mix of surprise and something deeper. I felt laid bare, but in a way that felt right—like shedding an old skin, ready for the new.

“Every day with you is brighter than the last,” I continued, my heart stepping up its pace as if it knew what was coming next. “You’ve changed me, made me a better man without even trying.”

A silence settled between us, filled only by the sound of cascading water and two hearts beating in tandem. As my hand reached into my pocket, I could feel the suede box pressing against my palm.

“I want to be that for you. Peace. Balance. Strength. Anything and everything you deserve. I need to be enough for you. I don’t know if I am, but I damn well know I’ll try like hell every day for the rest of my life.”

My pulse hammered in my ears, louder even than the roar of the falls, and I was suddenly aware of every nerve ending as they screamed with anticipation. The ring inside that pocket was heavy, like it was made of more than just gold and diamond—it was the weight of hope, of a future I wanted so desperately to share with her.

I shifted to a lower rock, dropping to one knee, and pulled out the box. It was as if I'd pulled the plug on the entire universe—the falls, the birds, everything seemed to hush. There was nothing but the sound of my own heart, pounding out a rhythm I hoped was a prelude to forever.

“Eryn Blake,” I started, my voice surprisingly steady, “these past months have been the best of my life. You've turned my world upside down, in the best way possible. You're the sunshine in my every day, and hell, I don't even mind the yoga anymore, I swear it’s helped my back.” A shaky laugh escaped both of us. “I love you more than I thought possible. Will you?—“

The ring box snapped open, revealing the ring that I hoped would bind us for eternity. The band was gold, like her eyes, and featured the biggest damn rock Missoula had to offer. I know, because I checked every jewelry store in the city.

Her hand flew to her mouth, her eyes wide pools of liquid gold, shining with unshed tears and something else—a depth of emotion I'd never dared to hope I'd see directed at me.

“Will you marry me, Eryn? Will you be the one who puts up with me in the morning, the one who shares my bed, my ranch, my life, my everything? Will you be my wife?”

For a heartbeat, the world paused, suspended on the precipice of her answer. Her hand trembled against her lips, her gaze locked onto mine, and I saw my future there in her eyes, waiting, hoping.

“Yes,” she breathed out, the word launching us into a new chapter. “Yes, Gray, yes of course I’ll marry you.” Tears fell in earnest now, as I slipped the ring on her delicate hand and pulled her to me for the deepest kiss we’d ever shared.

My heart soared as relief flooded through me, strong and sure as the river below the falls.

After a while, we turned to soak in the beauty before us. The waterfall, with its relentless flow and misty spray, seemed to bless our engagement, washing away any remnants of doubt or fear. Eryn's hand found mine, our fingers intertwining, a perfect fit.
