Page 1 of Loving Gabe

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Gabe -12 years old-

I’m cold and hungry.

My parents probably spent all of our money on drugs again. They usually didn’t bother to take care of the bills.

Mom and dad spent most of my life telling me that I ruined their lives, but they chose to have me; I didn’t choose to live. I had the scars from their beatings as evidence of just how much I ruined their lives.

When the lights go out, I sigh. They must be a few month’s behind on the power bill too.

I haven’t seen my mom and dad in a couple days.

It was normal for me not to see them for days at a time.

As lonely as this life is, I’m glad that I don’t have any siblings that have to suffer through this with me.

I haven’t been to school in days. I was too embarrassed and hungry to move.

I don’t have any friends that would miss me. I knew I smelt bad. There was nothing I could do about it.

There was a banging on the door, but I couldn’t summon up enough energy to move.

When I didn’t answer, the door was broken open while a bunch of cops and people in suits walked in.

They looked at me with horror.

Everything became a blur after that. I was moved to a foster home. I found out that my parents had abandoned me. They hadn’t just left for a few days. They weren’t planning on coming back. When I didn’t show up at school, and the teachers couldn’t get in touch with my parents, my teachers had begun to worry and called social services.

I guess it was just nice that someone cared.

I was taken out of that hell. In my new school and new life, I met a friend.

They didn’t care about where I came from, or that I was skittish. They didn’t take no for answer and I found myself with friends.

They saved me in more ways than I could ever articulate.

I’ll do whatever it takes to show them how much they mean to me.

Aubrey -Eighteen Years Old-

There is nothing more pathetic than wanting your brothers’ best friend.

I had a crush on Gabe for years. Nothing ever came of it. Not only is he older than me, but he is also best friends with four of my brothers. He’s the closest with Chase, but spends a lot of time with all of them.

They had built a security company together. One of the best in the world. The business had started small but kept growing to the point that they are now taking jobs all over the world.

That was one thing I was proud of them for. They worked hard and it paid off.

My brothers had made sure that my parents and I were taken care of. It’s still tough to get used to. My brothers had paid for our new house, and my college tuition; despite the fact that I don’t even know what I want to do with my life, so it will probably just be a waste of money. I figure I would give the college life a shot anyway. I do understand that they want to give me the ability to explore because they know that I feel a little bit lost right now.

Once they had made a name for themselves, they were expected to upkeep certain appearances. As their sister, I went along to most things. I couldn’t actually wait until I left for college, so I didn’t have to attend these functions. They were boring, and the food was terrible; but I would do anything for my brothers, including staying away from the one man I want. Sometimes I swear I see looks from him that give me the impression that he wants me too, but it could be just that I am seeing things that aren’t there because I’m desperately wanting him to want me back.

I watch him across the room at this charity event we are at and feel the jealousy rise.

The date on his arm is clinging to him and smiling sweetly. You can tell she would do anything he asked her to.

Heck, I would do anything that he asked me to.
