Page 64 of A Goddess Awakens

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“I’m convinced that the critical moment is when a goddess’ powers fully awaken. It must be an indescribable feeling, suddenly sensing that power within yourself and knowing that you stand above every single living creature. Their divinity changes the way they think and experience life in a multitude of ways.”

“Sounds like a pretty stringent test of character,” I remark. “So far no goddess has been able to resist the evil.”

He nods. “Without training and support they can’t.”

“Didn’t the goddesses that were born into Tempes families have support? Surely they received guidance?”

He nods sadly. “You’re right. Although there have only ever been four. But we’ve learned from the mistakes of the past. I firmly believe that the goodness in these women can be preserved. I think Claire can make it.”

I understand why he has to believe in her so unwaveringly, and I really hope he’s right.

“There’s a reason I’m showing you these pictures. You’ve proven that you’re capable of seeing the destiny threads. That allows you to identify the goddesses and help us locate them. You’ve been a part of our world for some time now. You understand the importance this holds for us and why the Council is so eager for you to learn to master your gift.”

My expression darkens. Yeah, I do know, and I’d be lying if I said that it didn’t bother me.

“The Council basically views me as some kind of detector, and it drives them crazy that I don’t function properly.”

“Teresa, I don’t see you as a tool that we need in order to achieve our aims. You, my dear, are a human being with a very special gift – one that causes you great distress. I’ve experienced firsthand what it’s like for someone with this gift to be overwhelmed by their own ability. It’s not easy for you, and that’s the main reason I want to help you. I’m convinced that the right approach, and the most effective one, is always to help the person with the gift to come to terms with their special ability. That’s as true for you as it is for the goddesses.”

He’s unshakable, and I expect he’d do anything for Claire.

“Everyone deserves a chance,” he continues. “Even Chloe did. I believed I could convince her to change her ways. I know there aren’t many who share my belief, but to simply kill creatures with such incredible powers? No, that’s an unforgivable crime. Everyone should have a chance at rehabilitation. And that’s what I would want for my granddaughter too if the day comes when she can’t prevail over the evil.”

For the first time, I see fear in his eyes.

“Unfortunately, Chloe took her own life before I had a chance to talk to her.” He shakes his head slowly, as if trying to banish the gloomy thoughts. “In these training sessions, I want us to focus first and foremost on helping you to accept your ability and recognize it for what it is: a wonderful gift. It shouldn’t have to be a constant fight – against your gift or yourself. Once you understand that, I think you’ll be able to work with your gift. But first, you need to let go of your fear – that is, I assume you’re afraid. Afraid of being manipulated, of losing your humanity, of becoming a prisoner.”

My eyes widen – he’s hit the nail on the head.

He smiles at my reaction. “Miss Franklin, what you’re going through is something I’ve seen in my granddaughter. Don’t assume that Claire has always followed this path with such grace. There were times when she despised her nature and wished she could just have a normal life. She was messy, out of control, and frightened. But such burdens can also be an opportunity for growth. Challenges are there to be overcome, and if all goes well, the result is a wiser person. And that’s what I’d like us to achieve here.”

I’m moved by his words and his warm smile.

“Now, tell me how it feels when your gift manifests.”

So I do. I spend rest of the session describing my headaches, the flashes of light, the situations in which I’ve seen the destiny threads. He listens in silence, asking the occasional question but mostly giving me the space to look inside myself and create some order in my own mind. For the first time in my life, I feel as if I might actually come to accept my powers and learn to live in harmony with them.

Chapter 31

Hot fire blazes through me. The licking flames spread along my veins, overheating my body, incinerating my mind. Ayden’s every touch fans the flames more. I writhe under his naked skin, feel his weight on me, pressing me into the pillows.

I caress his neck, his back, and kiss every inch of his skin. His lips seek out mine, press against me, hungry and passionate. I gasp and, like him, I can’t get enough. We move rhythmically as one, and I wish we could stay like this forever. The immensity of the feelings surging through me at this moment can’t be described in words. I feel consummate happiness, completeness, that I only feel with him.

Ayden drapes his arm around me, caresses my neck, kisses my shoulder. Blissfully relaxed, I nestle up to him, but my thoughts are already drifting back to everything that’s happened lately and what’s about to happen in the next few hours.

“He won’t change his mind,” I say to Ayden.

He props himself up on his elbow and looks at me. His gaze is spellbinding; there’s something hypnotic about the green of his eyes. I wish I could sink into it and forget everything.

“I know it’s hard,” he says, pushing a strand of hair out of my face. “He’s chosen his path, just like we have.”

But it shouldn’t be this way.

“I don’t want Noah to become our enemy.” I couldn’t bear that.

“I doubt he’d ever turn against you,” Ayden replies. He looks misty-eyed as he studies my face. As if he’s trying to comfort me with unspoken words. “He’ll always care about you.”

Maybe that was true once. But Noah’s changed.
