Page 4 of After Hours

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“Why would I know everything about you?”

The answer to this question was simple: he’s an attractive billionaire who’s the centre of every news article ever published, and I have no idea how I didn’t recognize this earlier; I just thought he’d have other people in his office regularly and not him.

He chuckled. “Why should I let you be an intern here?” He asked, ignoring my question.

“Why would I know everything about you?”

“This isn’t a game of twenty questions, Ms. Willis, why should I take you up?”

“Because I’m a valuable asset,” I answered.

“Confidence,” he noted. “Valuable how?”

“That’s where my resume comes in, sir. Or did you not read it?” I asked, testing him.

“Resumes are mostly filled with crap.”

“I’m competitive, and I’m not easily persuaded. A very firm person, and I’m sure you could pick up on that,” I smirked and got up from the chair. “Plus, I read about the architecture sector of your business and I’m definitely sure I could handle some of that, alongside my knowledge in business studies.”

“Very bold and straight to the point,” he said, walking closer to me. “Welcome to Xander Telecommunications.”

“Thank you,” I said, feeling extremely relieved. “When do I start?”

“Tomorrow at 8,” he said, and I left his office.

I’m not one to ever get too excited about work, but this is amazing. I’ve worked hard all my life, and to see it actually coming together and starting a new chapter is really comforting.

“I got the internship,” I said happily as I spoke to my mother on the phone.

“I thought you got accepted yesterday, but anyway, I’m so proud of you, honey,” she congratulated. “This was definitely expected from you, my dear.”

“I did but this was like the interview to see if they’d finalize the decision. Thanks, Mom. The interview wasn’t bad either. I was probably too bold, but all that matters is me getting the internship.”

“Yes,” she sighed with contentment. “When do you start?”

“Tomorrow morning, actually.”

“I’ll leave you to it, then. Have a good day,” she said and hung up.

I feel kind of excited going into this new phase of life. There’s still a lot to do, but it doesn’t all seem so impossible as it did before.

I showered and went to lay in bed. My friends were most likely busy and though, they don’t mind me bothering them, I just wanted to be alone.

But the thing with loneliness is the sudden shock of empty feelings that overtake my body, causing goosebumps all over my skin. I felt empty and broken, more than I’ve ever felt before. Something in me just felt like it was broken, but I couldn’t pinpoint what it was. Maybe it was that empty feeling I always have, or it was just the longing for something, but whatever it was, I hoped I’d never have to feel this way again.


“What are you thinking about?” Mara asked me, startling me out of my thoughts.

“Huh? What?”

“You look deep in thought, so what’s up?”

“Running empires is hard, little sister,” I joked, “but I’m just thinking about life as a whole.”

“How was the interview with the intern?”

